Return to the Top of Outcome
The Establishment of Our Center:
Workshops | The
Experimental Facility
Research Outcomes in 2006:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2005:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2004:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2003:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2002:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Workshops / Symposia
[ 2006 ]
Lectures by Dr. Benett Shaywitz and Dr. Sally Shaywitz
Date: October 6, 2006
On October 6, we invited Dr. Benett Shaywitz and Dr. Sally Shaywitz, they are
professor of pediatrics in the Yale University School of Medicine. They held
a lecture in Hokkaido University Conference Hall (sponsorship:
Center for Child Development, co-sponsorship: the 21st century COE "Cultural
and Ecological Foundations of the Mind" and Research and Education Center for
Brain Science).
For more detail information, please refer to the page of Lectures
by Dr. Benett Shaywitz and Dr. Sally Shaywitz
The 4th International Symposium
Date: September 9 - 10, 2006
The purpose of the CEFOM/21 Fourth International Symposium was to share thoughts and ideas on culture, ecology, and institutions among international and domestic researchers from different social disciplines. The symposium was met with great interest, and about 130 participants came from all over Japan. At the symposium, international and domestic researchers in the areas of anthropology, cultural psychology, evolutionary psychology, social psychology, and sociology were invited to present talks and make oral and poster presentations on topics such as "cognitive adaptation in social exchange," "cultural group selection," "the preferences of young people in Japanese labor market" just to name a few. The symposium ended successfully, with both presenters and audience members participating in lively discussion.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
4th CEFOM/21 International Symposium
11th Open Workshop
Date: June 21, 2006
In this workshop, young cultural psychologists addressed recent findings
studies and discussed future direction on the studies.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
11th Open Workshop
The 10th Open
Date: May 29, 2006
In the field of risk studies, the importance of trust has been recognized not
only by psychologists but by researchers from several disciplines, and social
psychological studies on trust have been attracting increased attention. For
our tenth open workshop, we invited Professor George Cvetkovich (Western Washington
University) and Professor Cees J. H. Midden (Eindhoven University of Technology)
to talk about their latest research on the relationship between risk management
and trust.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
10th Open Workshop
The 16th International Workshop
Date: May 13, 2006
For our 16th international workshop entitled "International Workshop on
Reciprocity, Trust and Cooperation", we invited Professor Paul A.M. van
Lange (Vrije University, Social Psychology), Dr. Fei Song (Ryerson University,
Experimental Economics), and Proferssor Bram Cadsby (University of Guelph, Experimental
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
16th International Workshop
The 15th International Workshop
Date: March 27, 2006
For our 15th international workshop, we invited Dr. Samuel Bowles (Santa Fe Institute; University of Siena)
to give a talk on the relationships among parochialism, altruism, and multi-level selection.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
15th International Workshop
Three Centers Joint Workshop
Date: March 21-23, 2006
From the three COE programs -- Our CEFOM/21, The Waseda University 21st Century
COE program "Constructing Open Political-Economic Systems", and The
Kyoto University Psychology Union: psychologists and economists who employ behavioral
experiments as their primary methods of research gathered and discussed human
behavior and construction of social institutions.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
Three Centers Joint Workshop
14th International Workshop
Date: January 11-12, 2006
For our 14th international workshop, we invited Dr. Chi-Yue Chiu (University
of Illinois) and Dr. Ying-Yi Hong (University of Illinois) to talk about cultural
priming and research on social structure studies in cultural psychology.
For more detail information, please refer to the
page of The
14th International Workshop
[ 2005 ]
The 13th International Workshop
Date: November 28, 2005
For our 13th international workshop, we invited Dr. Mulder (Tilburg University)
to talk
about sanctions and moral behavior.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
13th International Workshop
12th International Workshop
Date: November 8, 2005
For our 12th international workshop, we invited Dr. Robert Kurzban (University
of Pennsylvania) to talk about reciprocity in groups and third party punishment.
Dr. Kurzban and participants, including graduate
students, discussed the results of his behavioral experiments as well as the
importance of individual differences in cooperative behavior and group dynamics.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
12th International Workshop
11th International Workshop
Date: October 26-28, 2005
The purpose of our 11th international workshop was to bring together active
scholars working on the issue of information use in groups, yet belonging to
different disciplines, to provide an intensive discussion opportunity.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
11th International Workshop
10th International Workshop
Date: August 1, 2005
For our 10th international workshop, we invited Dr. Richerson (University of
California, Davis) to give a talk about
cultural evolution
in small groups.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
10th International Workshop
The 3rd US-Japan
Joint Conference on Mathematical Sociology
Date: June 24-26, 2005
In the 3rd US-Japan joint conference of Association for Mathematical Sociology
(supported by CEFOM/21), some principal investigators and graduate students of
our team
made a presentation of their studies.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The 3rd US-Japan Joint Conference on Mathematical Sociology
9th International Workshop
Date: June 9, 2005
For our 9th international workshop, we invited Dr. Torsello (Lecce University)
to talk about
the relationship between trust and social networks.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
9th International Workshop
The 8th International
Date: May 24, 2005
For our eighth international workshop, we invited Professor David Matsumoto (San
Francisco State University) to join us. He gave a talk about the universals of
the facial expression, based on the analyses of photos related to athletes in
Olympic. Professor Matsumoto and participants including graduate students discussed
the importance of spontaneous facial expression.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
8th International Workshop
The 39th Meeting of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
Date: May 21-22, 2005
In the 39th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (supported
by CEFOM/21),
some principal investigators and many graduate students of our team made a presentation
of their studies.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The 39th Meeting of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
The 7th Open Workshop
Date: March 8-9, 2005
For 7th open workshop, we invited Professor Miettinen and Dr. Engestrom from
The Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research at The University
of Helsinki, who made new theoretical suggestions regarding human activity development,
to give talks on their researches.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
7th Open Workshop
The 7th International Workshop
Date: February 22, 2005
For our seventh international workshop, we invited Professor Karen Cook (Stanford
University) to join us. She gave a talk about the importance of "trust" in social relationships. Some graduate students and
researchers in our lab also made a presentation of their studies, and we discussed what people attend to
when they build a social relationship and how the relationship is maintained.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The 7th International Workshop
[ 2004 ]
The 6th Open Workshop
Date: September 16, 2004
For 6th open workshop titled "Understanding children's social behaviors from the evolutionary game theory", Scholars from various fields (Evolutionary Psychology, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Pedagogy, Anthropology) got together and had active discussions. We invited Dr. Yutaka Sayeki (Aoyama Gakuin University), Dr. Hiroaki Suzuki (Aoyama Gakuin University), Mrs. Natsuko Moridaira (Graduate School of Letters at Aoyama Gakuin University). Several graduate students at our institution also presented their on-going research.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The 6th Open Workshop
The 5th Open Workshop
Date: August 12-14, 2004
We invited Professor James Wertsch (Washington University at St.Louis), one of
the leading scholars who advocate the socio-cultural approach in psychology.
His books "Voices of the mind" (Harvard University Press), "Mind
as action" (Oxford University Press), "Voices of Collective Remembering" (Cambridge
University Press), are well recognized by researchers in various fields.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
5th Open Workshop
The Mind, Culture and Evolution Conference: The First UBC Summer Symposium
Date: July 15 - 7, 2004CEFOM/21 supported "Mind, Culture and Evolution:
The First University of British Columbia Summer Symposium" held on July
15-17, 2004, where cultural psychologists and evolutionary psychologists presented
their research on sociality of mind and discussed how they could integrate
their views.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
Mind, Culture and Evolution Conference
The 4th Open Workshop
Date: February 1-2, 2004
This workshop was suppoted by COEOM/21 and the faculty of business administration
at Hokkai Gakuen University. We invited Professor Jaan Valsiner (Clark University),
a prominent psychologist who takes socio-cultural approach
towards the understanding of the mind. He also edited a book named "Culture and Psychology".
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
4th Open Workshop
[ 2003 ]
In 2003, we took three international symposia, four international workshops,
three open workshops as
activities in the CEFOM/21.
The 3rd Open Workshop "Archaeological
studies on the relationships between cognition and material cultures"
Date: December 6-7, 2003
The aim of this workshop was to discuss the following questions:
How human's cognitive ability has been interrelated with artistic and utilitarian
expressions in material cultures in the process of human evolution?;
What kind of adaptive strategies have been used in the interrelations?
In the workshop, intensive studies of Japanese archaeological data ranged from
Paleolithic to ancient states on the relationships between cognition and material
culture were presented in order to develop the field of cognitive archaeology.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
3rd Open Workshop
The 6th International Workshop
Date: October 27, 2003
For the sixth international workshop, we invited Professor Harman W. Smith
(Emeritus, University of Missouri. St. Louis). Professor Smith gave a talk
about universals of the structure of emotional terms,
based on the analyses of his extensive data collected in Japan. Professor Smith
and participants including graduate students discussed the possible alternatives
of the research paradigm
on emotion in general and the methodology of cross-cultural research on emotion.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of the
21st Century COE "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind" the sixth Workshop
The 3rd International Symposium
Date: September 26 - 28, 2003
The goal of the symposium was to facilitate intellectual
exchanges and future collaboration among researchers who sought to
understand how trust emerges and functions within and across groups.
Specifically, participants discussed psychological mechanisms that were related
to ingroup-favoring and/or outgroup-discriminating behavioral patterns and their
adaptive foundations. Each participant discussed how his or her work shed light
on this issue.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
3rd CEFOM/21 International Symposium
The 2nd Open Workshop
Date: September 4, 2003
The purpose of the second open workshop was to discuss "the evolutionary-simulation
approach to child education," while taking into account both cultural and
evolutionary viewpoints. About 60 participants from different fields of research
(including social psychology and education) attended this workshop. Invited speakers
included Dr. Yutaka Sayeki (Aoyama Gakuin University), Dr. Atsuko Suzuki (Toho
Gakuen University), Dr. Ikuko Gyobu (Future University-Hakodate), Dr. Toshiko
Kobayashi (Odawara Women's Junior College), and Ms. Natsuko Moridaira (Graduate
School of Literature at Aoyama Gakuin University). The titles of their respective
talks were as follows: "Children's Inference on Rules (Suzuki & Sayeki)", "Encountering
with Play (Gyobu)", "An Evolutionary Game Approach to the Development
of Children's Social Behaviors (Kobayashi)", and "Evolutionary Analyses
on the Situation which Enhance Tolerance for Diversities of Children (Moridaira)".
An active and enthusiastic discussion continued even after the session was
scheduled to end.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
2nd Open Workshop
The 2nd International Symposium
Date: August 6 - 8, 2003
For the second international symposium, we invited top researchers
in various fields, and provided an opportunity for them to present
their latest findings regarding
mutual mechanisms of society and the mind, and to openly discuss
the theoretical issues involved. Anthoropologists, Sociologists, Cultural
Psychologists, Evolutionary Psychologists,
and Social Psychologists actively discussed various issues
during the three days.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
2nd CEFOM/21 International Symposium
The 1st International Symposium
Date: June 23 - 26, 2003
The goal of this symposium was to promote intellectual exchanges on one of
the central questions in modern human sciences: how do human minds and social/institutional
arrangements constitute a self-sustainable system? By "self-sustainable
system," we mean a system that is somewhat similar (but not necessarily
equal) to the notion of equilibrium in the field of economics. More specifically,
we would like to address issues such as: 1) how to explain "cultural differences" in
psychological functioning, 2) how to analyze the relationship between social
and institutional arrangements and "cultural differences" in psychological
traits and/or cultural beliefs, and 3) how to analyze the ways in which evolutionarily-based
psychological mechanisms help (or constrain) links between the institutional
arrangements and "culturally specific" psychological traits. Top-notch
researchers in the field of social psychology, evolutionary psychology, culturural
psychology, anthropology, political science, and experimental economics have
actively discussed for these four days.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
1st CEFOM/21 International Symposium
The 5th International Workshop
Date: April 7, 2003
For the fifth international workshop, we invited Professor Radford (Diector,
Miko Associates Limited). Professor Radford has conducted research examining
and analyzing the culture of firms. He does international work on this topic
often offers advice to firms from a social psychological and cultural perspective.
Taking the point of view of applied research, Professor Radford also talked
about issues in social psychology and cross-cultural psychology. Both organizers
graduate students particiapated in the discussinon that followed his talk.
Possible ways to solve various issues in recent social and cross-cultural psychology
actively discussed.
For more detailed information, please refer to the page of the
21st Century COE "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind" the fifth Workshop
The 1st Open Workshop "Searching for the Sociality
of mind"
Date: February 20, 2003
Invited speakers at the first open workshop included Dr. Shibayama and Dr.
Furuyama. Dr. Shibayama investigated preschool children's first experience
sduring school
lunch with caregivers. She reported the process by which children's eating
behaviors are socio-culturally formed. Dr. Furuyama provided evidence of the
foundations which enable us to communicate with others. The speakers and participants
actively discussed these topics.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of The
1st Open Workshop "Searching for the Sociality of mind"
The 4th International Workshop
Date: February 10 - 11, 2003
For our fourth international workshop, we invited Professor Michael Hechter
(University of Washington) to join us. Professor Hechter is a well respected
researcher in
the area of rational choice theory. Based on the presentations of graduate
students' research conducted in our program, we discussed various topics from
a sociological
perspective. Such topics included: experimental research on social dilemmas,
research using computer simulation, cultural variations in the foundation of
indirect reciprocity using computer simulation. Professor Hechter also gave
a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of value measurement. In his
he also compared factorial survey methods with ordinary survey methods to measure
particular values.
For more detailed information, please refer to the page of the
21st Century COE "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind" the forth Workshop
The 3rd International Workshop
Date: January 30 - 31, 2003
The purpose of the 3rd international workshop was to introduce research conducted
in our program (mainly the works of graduate students) to an international
group of researchers. On the first day, we discussed a number of research topics
on "the cultural and evolutionary foundations of the mind" and based
on the work conducted by graduate students in the Center. Themes included: the
evolutionary foundations of the transmission of empathy or disturbance, the issue
of collaboration in social exchange, the adaptive values of group decision making,
the cognition of intergroup relationships, and cultural variations in social
decision-making. On the second day, Professor Tindale (Loyola University, Chicago,
USA) and Professor
Karr (Michigan State University) gave talks about "Social Sharedness and
Group Decision Making" and "The Kohler Motivation Gain Effect",
respectively. Active and enthusiastic discussions continued even after the session
was scheduled to end.
For more detailed information, please refer to the page of the
21st Century COE "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind" the Third Workshop
[ 2002 ]
In 2002, we took two international workshops as the outcome of research/educational
activities in the CEFOM/21.
The 2nd International Workshop
Date: December 27, 2002
The first workshop focused primarily on the goals of the center and and overview
of the projects. In the second workshop, we discussed more concrete research
topics, such as heuristics invoked in social exchange settings, and the problems
with the use of the self-construal scale commonly used in cultural psychology.
invited three promiment socioogists who specialize in rational choice theory
and evolutionary psychology (Professor Whitmeyer, Department of Sociology, University
of North Carolina, USA; Professor Hopcroft, Department of Sociology, University
of North Carolina, USA; and Professor Kanazawa, Department of Psychology, University
of Canterbury, New Zealand).
For more detailed information, please refer to the page of the
21st Century COE "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind" the second Workshop
Human Behavior & Evolution Society of Japan
Date: November 30 - December 1, 2002
The 4th meeting of the Japanese Human Behavior & Evolution Society,
co-sponcered by CEFOM) took place at the conference hall of Hokkaido
For more detailed information, please refer to the page of "The
4th meeting of the Japanese Human Behavior & Evolution Society (co-sponsored by
The 1st International Workshop
Date: November 29, 2002
The first interenational workshop, included the opening ceremony
of the CEFOM/21, as an introduction to our research projects and the keynote
"Making Cultural Beliefs Self-sustaining" by Toshio Yamagishi. The
organizers and the participants discussed their objectives and plans for research
for education.
For more detail information, please refer to the page of the
21st Century COE "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind" the First Workshop.
The Establishment of Our Center:
Workshops | The
Experimental Facility
Research Outcomes in 2006:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2005:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2004:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2003:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
Research Outcomes in 2002:
Books and Book Chapters | Articles | Conference
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