CEFOM/21 Hokkaido University 21st Century COE "Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind"
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Co-hosted by CEFOM/21
Lectures by Dr. Benett Shaywitz and Dr. Sally Shaywitz

Date: October 6 (Friday), 2006, 13:30 - 15:30
Location: Hokkaido University Conference Hall
 Sally Shaywitz (Yale University, USA)
 Bennett Shaywitz (Yale University, USA)

  On October 6, we invited Dr. Benett Shaywitz and Dr. Sally Shaywitz, they are professor of pediatrics in the Yale University School of Medicine. They held a lecture in Hokkaido University Conference Hall (sponsorship: Research and Clinical Center for Child Development, co-sponsorship: the 21st century COE "Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind" and Research and Education Center for Brain Science).

  They are very attracting attention by dyslexia study in U.S.A. and the World, and Dr. Sally Shaywitz is broadly known as the writer of "Overcoming Dyslexia".

  The lecture theme was "Neurobiology of Dyslexia". Professor Benett Shaywitz talked about the history of dyslexia study and the relationship between dyslexia and brain mechanisms. He showed that people with dyslexia activate more strongly left frontal region compared to those without dyslexia.

  Professor Sally Shaywitz talked about investigation of dyslexia in U.S.A. and training for people with dyslexia. When the effective training program for reading were applied to children with Dyslexia early, word form area (left posterior region) became more active, which was not active before the training.

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