The Group Experiment Lab | The Worldwide Network Experiment Lab
The Experiment Lab for Perception/Sensation Systems
Our laboratory consists of three modules: (1) The worldwide network experiment
lab with sixteen cubicles for worldwide collaborative experiments,
(2) The group experiment lab
which allows us to examine and observe how face-to-face interactions
(micro processes) generate norms (macro processes), and (3) The experiment
lab for perception/sensation systems
which allows us to examine the relationships between how individuals
behave in interaction settings and their perceptual and emotional
such as the allocation of attention
and their affective responses. In total, up to thirty-six participants
can attend experiments at the same time. Their interactions
are monitored by the network. In collaboration
with researchers and laboratories at Cornell University, Stanford University,
and Carlton University, we have conducted experiments both
Japanese students and American
students participate in an experiment simultaneously.