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22 (Thursday), 2005
Location: Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University
Cook (Department of Sociology, Stanford University, USA)
Toshio Yamagishi (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Nobuyuki Takahashi (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Masaki Yuki (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Susumu Ohnuma (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Others (about 15 participants)
For our seventh international workshop, we invited Professor Karen Cook (Stanford University) to join us.
She gave a talk about the importance of "trust" in social relationships. Some graduate students and
researchers in our lab also made a presentation of their studies, and we discussed what people attend to
when they build a social relationship and how the relationship is maintained.
10:30 Start

Networks, Norms and Trust: The Social Psychology of Social Capital. (PowerPoint file)
Karen S. Cook.

Culture and Attention: Comparing the Context Sensitivity between East Asians and Westerners.
(PowerPoint file)
Masuda, T.

Internal and External Motivation of Cooperation. (PowerPoint file)
Shinada, M.

Internet Experiment on Punishment Behavior. (PowerPoint file)
Terai, S.

Where to look and why? : Utility and heuristics as explanations of cooperation in one-shot PD games.
(PowerPoint file)
Tanida, S.

The emergence of indirect reciprocity: Theoretical and empirical approaches toward indirect reciprocity
(PowerPoint file)
Mashima, R.

Beauty is but skin deep: Attractiveness and cooperation in social exchange. (PowerPoint file)
Takahashi, C.

15:30 End
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