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The 10th CEFOM/21 Open Workshop on Risk Management and Trust
(Cosponsored by Initiatives for Attractive Education in Graduate School)
Date: May 29, 2006
Venue: Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan)
George Cvetkovich (Western
Washington University)
J. H. Midden (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Kazuya Nakayachi (Tezukayama University)
Yukio Hirose (Nagoya University)
Shoji Tsuchida (Kansai University)
Hiroshi Nonami (Kwansei Gakuin University)
Motoko Kosugi (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
Junkichi Sugiura (Aichi University of Education)
Shoji Ohtomo (Nagoya University)
Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
Midori Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
Kohji Ishihara (Hokkaido University)
Mark H.B. Radford (Hokkaido University)
Masaki Yuki (Hokkaido University)
Susumu Ohnuma (Hokkaido University)
Others (about 20 participants)
In the field of risk studies, the importance of trust has been recognized not only by psychologists
but by researchers from several disciplines, and social psychological studies on trust have been attracting increased attention. For our tenth open workshop, we invited Professor George Cvetkovich (Western Washington University) and Professor Cees J. H. Midden (Eindhoven University of Technology) to talk about their latest research on the relationship between risk management and trust.
Professor George Cvetkovich reviewed concepts of trust and assurance,
followed by a talk on his researching of two case examples. He demonstrated that
Salient Value Similarity (SVS) plays a significant role in constructing trust
in real world social issues.
Professor Cees J. H. Midden talked about the influences of affect
and trust on perception of novel risk. He demonstrated how attitudes provide
a conduit for affect and trust to influence perceptions of risk and benefit,
rather than a direct connection between emotion and perception. Enthusiastic
discussion lasted for about three hours.
Speaker 1: George Cvetkovich (Western Washington University)
trust, values and assurances" [1,633KB]
Speaker 2: Cees J. H. Midden (Eindhoven University of Technology)
and the affective evaluation of novel risks"
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