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The 4th CEFOM/21 International Symposium
Cultural and Adaptive Bases of Human Sociality
Date: September 9 (Sat.) - 10 (Sun.), 2006
Location: International House of Japan (Tokyo)
Mary C. Brinton (Sociology, Harvard University)
Leda Cosmides (Evolutionary Psychology,University of California, Santa Barbara)
Joseph Henrich (Evolutionary Anthropology, University of British Columbia)
Yoshihisa Kashima (Social Psychology & Cultural Psychology, University of Melbourne)
Shinobu Kitayama (Cultural Psychology, University of Michigan)
Toshio Yamagishi (Social Psychology, Hokkaido University)
Tatsuya Kameda (Social Psychology, Hokkaido University)
Others (about 130 participants)
The purpose of the CEFOM/21 Fourth International Symposium was to share thoughts and ideas on culture, ecology, and institutions among international and domestic researchers from different social disciplines. The symposium was met with great interest, and about 130 participants came from all over Japan. At the symposium, international and domestic researchers in the areas of anthropology, cultural psychology, evolutionary psychology, social psychology, and sociology were invited to present talks and make oral and poster presentations on topics such as "cognitive adaptation in social exchange," "cultural
group selection," "the preferences of young people in Japanese labor market" just to name a few. The symposium ended successfully, with both presenters and audience participating in lively discussion.
* Download the symposium program (PDF, 2.60MB)
Day 1: Saturday, September 9th, 2006
Welcome and Introduction (9:30-9:40)
Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)

Paper presentation 1 (9:40-11:00)
Motoki Watabe (Kyoto University)
"Cultural difference of resource distribution and opportunity costs."

Toko Kiyonari (McMaster University)
"Punishing non-cooperators
doesn't yield a solution to the problem of cooperation but rewarding cooperators

Kazumi Shimizu (Waseda University)
"Group affiliation
and 'altruistic' punishment: Who provides 'altruistic' punishment?"

Masanori Takezawa (Tilburg University)
'The evolution of reciprcity in sizable groups' "

Special lecture (11:10-11:40)
Tatsuya Kameda (Hokkaido University)
"Democracy under
uncertainty: Adaptive robustness of group decision-making beyond the voter's

Paper presentation 2 (13:10-14:50)
Rie Mashima (Hokkaido University)
"Is the enemy's
friend an enemy? An experimental study to examine strategies in indirect reciprocity

Mayuko Nakamaru (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"The coevolution
of altruism and punishment: Role of the selfish punisher."

Shinji Yamagata (University of Tokyo)
differences in heritability of personality traits: Using behavioral genetics
to study culture."

Keiko Ishii (Hokkaido University)
"Culture and perceputural
inference: inferring the identity of an object from its parts or its blurred

Kosuke Takemura (Hokkaido University)
"Tow types of
collectivism: Intragroup relationship orientation in Japan and intergroup comparison
in the United States."

Poster presentation 1 (14:50-15:50)

Hironori Akechi (University of Tokyo)
"Effects of gaze direction on the processing of threat-related facial expression
in children with autism and without autism."
Kai Hiraishi (University of Tokyo)
"Universals and differences: What can we expect by bridging evolutionary psychology and behavioral genetics?"
Yutaka Horita (Hokkaido University)
"Inequity enhancing rejection of unfair offers in ultimatum games."
Yumiko Inoue (Inogashira Hospital)
"Deficit in theory of mind is a risk for relapse of major depression."
Keigo Inukai (Hokkaido University)
"Generalized reciprocity norm as an adaptive strategy among lower-working class citizens."
Nobue Ishibashi (Hokkaido University)
"Conformity or anti-Conformity?: Producer-scrounger behavior in group performance"
Nobuhiro Mifune (Hokkaido University)
"In-group trust and in-group favoritism in a dictator game."
Yuko Morimoto (Kyoto University)
"Effects of trust on sanctioning behavior and evaluating self-fairness: Warning and Vengeance."
Jun Moriya (University of Tokyo)
"Impaired attentional disengagement from anger faces in social anxiety." 
Hiroki Oozono (Kyoto University)
"Deception and cooperativeness: Evidence for counter strategy of free riders."
Yoshimichi Sato (Tohoku University)
"Trust and social mobility: An empirical study of the effect of job change on trust."
Chizuru Shikishima (Keio University)
"Genetics and environment contributing to individual differences in socialization."
Yusuke Takahashi (University of Tokyo)
"An attempt to measure temperaments of Gray's reinforcement sensitivity theory experimentally."
Nobuyuki Takahashi (Hokkaido University)
"Which is more important for the emergence of indirect reciprocity: Regarding giving to free-riders as "bad", or regarding not-giving to free-riders as "good"?"
Ryo Tamura (Hokkaido University)
"Fear may be transferable across individuals: A psycho-physiological experiment."
Kumiko Mori (Kwansei Gakuin University)
"Bargaining by children with autistic spectrum disorder."
Mizuho Shinada (Hokkaido University)
"Direct and indirect effect of punishment in the social dilemma."
Shinya Yamamoto (Kyoto University)
"Factors influencing reciprocity in chimpanzees."
Plenary lecture (16:00-18:00)
Leda Cosmides (University of California, Santa Barbara)
"Cognitive adaptations for social exchange."

Reception (18:40-21:00)
Day 2: Sunday, September 10th, 2006
Lecture 1 (9:30-10:30)
Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
"Culture and
Lecture 2 (10:40-11:40)
Joseph Henrich (University of British Columbia)
"Cultural learning,
institutions and the coevolution of human sociality."
Poster presentation 2 (11:40-12:40)
Mikako Akase (Hokkaido University)
"Cultural differences in attention: Comparing context sensitivity between Japanese
and Western subjects."
David J. Dalsky (Hokkaido University)
"Mutual enhancement in the United States and Japan."
Haruko Hayashi (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
"The perspectives of "good life" in Japanese retirees."
Mari Imai (Ritsumeikan University)
"The effect of art therapy on behavioral psychological symptom for people with dementia."
Chiemi Kan (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
"The structure of happiness among Japanese."
Mayumi Karasawa (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
"Culture and well-being."
JiYoon Kim (University of Tokyo)
"Content and implications of Japanese' meta-stereotype of Koreans."
Asuka Komiya (Kyoto University)
"Cultural and interpersonal aspects of regret."
Sora Niwa (Kyushu University)
"A regional cultural difference on telling "exaggerating" blunders."
Tomoko Oe (University of Tokyo)
"Dominant effect of affection in stereotype activation."
Susumu Ohnuma (Hokkaido University)
"Acceptance of a high cost sanction system: Why decision by discussion is preferred."
Hidemi Oono (Hokkaido University)
"Depressive mood and discounting delayed monetary gains and losses."
Joanna Schug (Hokkaido University)
"Similarity attraction, relationship mobility, and actually selecting similar others: How social structural differences between Japan and the United States affect interpersonal similarity."
Kazuhiko Shibuya (RIKEN [The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research])
"Beyond the differences: Ubiquitous jigsaw method for collaborative learning."
Hiroshi Shimizu (Osaka University)
"A study of normative conflict resolution strategies in Japanese culture."
Haruto Takagishi (Hokkaido University)
"The effect of dictator's intentions in the third-party punishment."
Chisato Takahashi (Hokkaido University)
"Trust and punishment in three societies: A "joint-cultural" experiment in Japan, China, and Taiwan."
Yukiko Uchida (Koshien University)
"How culture shapes emotion? Emotion inference and expression in the United States and Japan."
Lecture 3 (14:10-15:10)
Shinobu Kitayama (University of Michigan)
"Voluntary settlement
and the spirit of independence."
Lecture 4 (15:40-16:40)
Mary C. Brinton (Harvard University)
"Analyzing choices
and preferences during rapid institutional change: Young people in the Japanese
labor market."
Comments (16:50-17:10)
Yoshihisa Kashima (University of Melbourne)
Wrap-up session (17:10-18:00)
18:00 End
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