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Date: February 1 (Sunday) - 2 (Monday), 2004
Location: Graduate School of Education at Hokkaido University (February
1), Hokkai-Gakuen University (February 2)
Valsiner (Clark University, USA)
Kimiharu Sato (Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University)
Koji Kojima (Faculty of Business Administration, Hokkai Gakuen University)
Shing-Jen Chen (Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University)
This workshop was suppoted by COEOM/21 and the faculty of business administration at Hokkai Gakuen University.
We invited Professor Jaan Valsiner (Clark University), a prominent psychologist who takes socio-cultural approach
towards the understanding of the mind. He also edited a book named "Culture and Psychology".
The date of the seminor was as follows:
February 1 (Sunday)
14:00-17:00 Lecure & Discussion
Interpreter: Shing-Jen Chen (Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido
February 2 (Monday)
13:00-15:00 Lecture
15:30-17:30 Special Seminar
Interpreter: Shing-Jen Chen (Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido

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