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The Three Centers Joint Workshop
Date: March 21 (Tuesday) - 23 (Thursday), 2006
Location: Waseda University Seminar House at Izu-Kawana
Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
Funaki (Waseda University)
Kazumi Shimizu (Waseda University)
Koichi Kuriyama (Waseda
Motoki Watabe (Kyoto University)
Others (about 20 participants)
From the three COE programs -- Our CEFOM/21, The
Waseda University 21st Century COE program "Constructing Open Political-Economic
Systems", and The
Kyoto University Psychology Union: psychologists and economists who employ
behavioral experiments as their primary methods
of research gathered and discussed
human behavior
and construction of social institutions. For three days participants
actively discussed cooperative behavior and social institutions, which
may help
cooperative behavior.
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