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Date: March 8 (Tuesday) - 9 (Wednesday), 2005
Location: the Humanities and Social Sciences Building at Hokkaido University
& Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University
Speakers: Reijo
Miettinen & Ritva
Engestrom (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Mutsuo Nakamura (Hokkaido University)
Masaaki Hemmi (Hokkaido University)
Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
Kimiharu Sato (Hokkaido University)
Shing-Jen Chen (Hokkaido University) Mayumi Adachi
(Hokkaido University)
Toshio Sugiman (Kyoto University)
Yoshinobu Shoy (Hokkaido University of Education)
Yoshie Nishiwaki (Saitama Prefectural University)
Others (about 70 participants)
The relationship between society and our universities has been changing rapidly.
Considering the interrelation between academic research, university education,
and practice has become an important issue for several disciplines in the social
sciences when developing new activities for humans. We invited Professor Miettinen
and Dr. Engestrom from The Center
for Activity Theory
Developmental Work Research at The University of Helsinki, who made new theoretical
suggestions regarding human activity development, to give talks on their researches.
suggestions focused on practice, theory, and the interrelation between them,
with the aim of increasing truly creative intelligence.
March 8
After the welcoming address by Dr. Mutsuo Nakamura, president of Hokkaido
University, Professor Miettinen and Dr. Engestrom gave presentations
on some of the research taking place at The Center for Activity Theory
and Developmental Work Research that discussed themes of the cultural
and historical activity theory across three generations.
Discussant: Professor Yoichi Anezaki (Hokkaido University)
16:00-18:00 The 2nd Session
Dr. Engestrom reported on research activities at The Center for Activity
Theory and Developmental Work Research that aimed to establish new theory
and methodology. In particular, she talked about the possibility of establishing
a new cooperative healthcare system.
Discussant: Professor Toshio Sugiman (Kyoto University)

March 9
After Professor Miettinen's presentation focusing
on the problems relevant to creativity when developing new scientific
technologies, participants discussed the importance of including cultural
and historical perspectives to the process. Taking a cooperative approach
to this new generation of scientific inquiry was also discussed.
Discussant: Associate Professor Yoshinobu Shoy (Hokkaido University of

13:30-16:00 General Discussion
Professor Miettinen, and Dr. Engestrom met with graduate students to discuss
some of the studentfs current research.

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