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February 10 (Monday) - February 11 (Tuesday), 2003
Location: Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University
Hechter (Department of Sociology, University of Washington, USA)
Tatsuya Kameda(Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Nobuyuki Takahashi (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Masaki Yuki (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Ishii Keiko (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University)
Others (about 15 participants)
For our fourth international workshop, we invited Professor Michael Hechter
(University of Washington) to join us. Professor Hechter is a well respected
researcher in the area of
rational choice theory. Based on the presentations of graduate students'
research conducted in our program, we discussed various topics from
a sociological perspective. Such topics
included: experimental research on social dilemmas, research using computer
simulation, cultural variations in the foundation of trust, group cooperation
led by group conflicts,
and the formation of indirect reciprocity using computer simulation.
Professor Hechter also gave a talk about the advantages and disadvantages
of value measurement. In his
talk, he also compared factorial survey methods with ordinary survey
methods to measure particular values.
Day 1
15:00 Start
Cooperation in social dilemma as a "costly signal": An experimental study
on the behavioral linkage between different exchange domains.
Shinada, M., & Kameda, T.
Category-based trust in Western culture and network-based trust in East Asian culture.
Takemura, K., & Yuki, M.
Two types of ingroup cooperation --Influence of intergroup competition on group behavior--
Yokota, K., & Yuki, M.
The solution of 2nd-order social dilemmas by adopting the Generalized Tit-for-Tat strategy.
Terai, S. & Yamagishi, T.
18:00 End
Day 2
10:00 Start
The emergence of indirect reciprocity.
Mashima, R., & Takahashi, N.
Comparing factorial survey method with ordinary survey to measure values.
Michael Hechter
12:00 End
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