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The 4th Meeting of Human Behavior & Evolution Society of Japan
Supported by COE21 "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind"
Date: November 30 (Saturday) - Decmber 1 (Sunday), 2002
Location: Hokkaido University Conference Hall
November 30 (Saturday) PM (13:00 - 17:40)
13:00-14:00 Keynote 1
A viewpoint of comparative cognitive neuroscience.
Speaker Shigeru Watanabe (Faculty of Letters, Keio University),
Chair Kameda Tatsuya (Hokkaido University)
14:10-15:50 Oral Presentations 1 (Chair: Akiko Uchida, Chiba University)
Acute effect of stress hormone on hippocampal neurons: An evolutionary
Taiki Takahashi (Integrated Cultural Studies, Tokyo University)
Adaptive significance of variation in male testosterone levels.
Akiko Uchida (Chiba University) & Richard G. Bribiescas (Yale University)
Effects of contingent positive/negative emotional stimuli on behavior:
Comparison between chimpanzees and humans.
Madoka Komuro (Integrated Cultural Studies, Tokyo University) et al.
The communicative function of the Inter-Utterance Interval.
Taisei Kimura (Department of Education, Kyoto University) et al.
Experimental analysis of communication in terms of speech prosody and
action: Towards the construction of a naive meaning acquisition model.
Kazuhiro Ueda (Department of Information, Tokyo University) et al.
15:50-17:40 Poster Sessions
18:00-20:00 The Reception (at En'yu Gakusha)
December 1 (Sunday) Morning Sessions (9:00 - 11:50)
9:00-10:00 Keynote 2
Unit, Group, Essence, and Evolution.
Speaker Eisuke Hasegawa (Graduate School of Agriculture,
Hokkaido University)
Chair Toshikazu Hasegawa (Integreted Cultural Studies, Tokyo University)
10:10-11:50 Oral Presentations 2 (Chair Mariko Hasegawa)
Risk factors affecting the occurrence of murder: Future prospect, sexual
jearousy, and alcohol.
Mariko Hasegawa (Department of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University)
Evolution of rumors that discriminate lying defectors.
Mayuko Nakamaru (Department of Engineering, Shizuoka University)
* "Evolutionary Ecology Research" (2003, in press)
Altruism-reciprocity/equality-punishment: Two dimensions of social preference.
Masanori Takezawa (Post Doctral Fellow, Max Plank Institute)
Cultural group selection and the adaptive group decision making: "Robust
beauty of the majority heuristic" revisited.
Takafumi Tsukasaki (Hokkaido University) et al.
The function of selfishness as the basis of morality: indirect reciprocity
and group selection.
Atsushi Naito (Hitotsubashi University)
11:50-12:50 Lunch Break
12:50-13:10 General Meeting
December 1 (Sunday) Afternoon Sessions (13:10-15:20)

13:10-15:20 Symposium "the Movement of the Theory of Mind"
Discussants Atsushi Senju (Integreted Cultural Studies, Tokyo University;
Shoji Itakura (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University); Hideki
Kojima (Communications Research
Chair Ryo Oda (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Poster Presentations
P1) Sex differences in choices of tradeoffs between success and health.
Ryo Oda (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
P2) Does reproductive risk influence inter-sex nonverbal communication?:
THEME analysis of behavioral synchrony.
Kikue Sakaguchi (Tokyo Universty)
P3) Strategy learning in two-person constant-sum game and theory of mind.
Yohsuke Ohtsubo (Nara University)
P4) Dissecting eye direction detector (EDD): Suggestion from autism research.
Atsushi Senju (Tokyo University), Yoshikuni Tojyo (The National Institute
of Special Education)
P5) Does social learning strategy evolve? An evolutionary computer simulation.
Daisuke Nakanishi (Hokkaido University) & Kameda Tatsuya (Hokkaido University)
P6) Generalized exchanges and direct exchanges: The effects of exchange
types on group-based trust.
Toko Kiyonari (Post Doctoral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science) et al.
P7) Intergroup competition and intragroup cooperation: Experimental investigation
with the minimal group paradigm.
Kunihiro Yokota (Hokkaido University) & Masaki Yuki (Hokkaido University)
P8) Kai Hiraishi (Institute of Social Information, Tokyo University)
P9) Ingroup-favoring behavior in minimal groups: An experimental study
using the dictator game.
Yosuke Makimura (Hokkaido University) & Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
P10) The emergence of indirect reciprocity.
Rie Mashima (Hokkaido University) & Nobuyuki Takahashi (Hokkaido University)
P11) Belief and institutional change: An experimental study.
Daisuke Nakama (Kyoto University) & Motoki Watabe (Kyoto University)
P12) Social embeddedness as a solution of the 'Tragedy of the Commons':
An experimental study examining the linkage between different exchange
Mizuho Shinada (Hokkaido University) & Tatsuya Kameda (Hokkaido University)
P13) Evolution of unconditional cooperation in PD games.
Motoki Watabe (Kyoto University) & Nana Kishimoto (Accentua, co.)
P14) A solution of the coordination problem in the repeated Prisoner's
Dilemma game.
Yasuhiro Morita (Hokkaido University) & Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
P15) Keiko Hujisawa (Tokyo University), Noriyuki Kutsukake (Tokyo University),
Toshikazu Hasegawa (Tokyo University)
P16) Aging and selective attention: Examination by using emotional utterances
in Japanese.
Keiko Ishii (Hokkaido University) et al.
P17) The perception of emotional supports exchanged between friends in
Japan and the United States.
Yukiko Uchida (Kyoto University) et al.
P18) Effects of actions on verbal memory: The comparison of self-processing
between verbally able PDD and typical developing boys and girls.
Yukiko Yamamoto (Kyusyu University) & Yoko Kamio (Kyusyu University)
P19) Individual differences in autistic traits among non-autistic populations.
Yura Kunihira (Tokyo University) et al.
P20) Yumi Arakawa (Tokyo University) et al.
P21) Attribution of mental states to a single moving figure.
Asuka Tatsuwa (Kyoto University)
P22) Visual perception in response to face direction of others.
Mitsue Nomura (Kyoto University)
P23) Tomohiro Miyakawa (Ashigara High School)
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