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The 39th Meeting of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
Supported by COE21 "Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations
of the Mind"
Date: May 21 (Saturday) - May 22 (Sunday), 2005
Location: Hokkaido University Conference Hall
In the 39th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (supported by COE21"Center for the Study of Cultural
and Ecological Foundations of the Mind"), some principal investigators and many graduate students of our team made a presentation
of their studies. In a special symposium, each principal investigator of our team reported the summary of a series of studies.
Moreover, graduate students of our team (Behavioral Science, Cultural Anthropology, and Archaeological Anthropology) organized
a sectional meeting, and actively discussed how researchers should integrate the findings from experiments and those from filedwork.
May 21 (Saturday) Special Symposium(13:00~15:20):
"Current problem of anthropology from the viewpoint of northern culture studies"
May 21 (Saturday) Sectional Meeting C-07(15:20~): "Psychological experiment and anthropological fieldwork"

Report 1
Psychological experiment and anthropological fieldwork
Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
Tatsuya Kameda (Hokkaido University)
Takashi Irimoto (Hokkaido University)
Report 2
The rites of passage, its change and function of group maintenance among the peoples of West Siberia.
Miki Kimura (Hokkaido University)
Report 3
The change and survival in the traditional society:
The interrelation between the culture and the thought of blacksmith in West Bengal, India.
Takayuki Saito (Hokkaido University)
Report 4
An anthropological study of the religion about God Oshira:
Based on fieldwork data in Shimokita, Aomori.
Chikako Uehara (Hokkaido University)
Report 5
The norm and mind of whalers among the small coastal whaling society in Japan.
Mikako Yamaguchi (Hokkaido University)
Report 6
Mind and culture from an experimental perspective (1): Interactions of humans and cultural differences of mind.
Daisuke Nakama (Hokkaido University)
Report 7
Mind and culture from an experimental perspective (2):Psychological tendencies as a social adaptive strategy in the East Asia.
Naoto Suzuki (Hokkaido University)
Report 8
Mind and culture from an experimental perspective (3): Institutional and psychological bases of collectivism among Japanese.
Kosuke Takemura (Hokkaido University)
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