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学会発表等 Adachi, M. (2005). "Music for Moppets" and spontaneous musical play: A window for how young children learn music. Paper presented at the 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research. Adachi, M., & Ozaki, C. (2005). Effects of specialist musical training on melodic expectancy profiles. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of Asia Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. Ando, K., Ohnuma, S., Blöbaum, A., Matthies, E., Hirose, Y., & Sugiura, J. (2005). Comparing the determinants of environmentally - conscious behaviors in Germany and Japan. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. Ishiguro, H. (2005). Development of Imagination through Dramatic Play with Adults. Paper presented at the Symposium on Play, Drama and Lile at The First ISCAR Congress. Ishiguro, H. (2005). Socio-historical Approach to Interactions between a Feeding Infant and Nursery teachers in a Day Care Nursery. Paper presented at the First ISCAR Congress. Ishii, K. (2005). General trust and social perception in Japan and the US. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Ishii, K. (2005). General trust and social perception: Differences in sensitivity to information about other's trustworthiness. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Ishii, K. (2005). Processing of emotional utterances: Is vocal tone really more significant than verbal content in Japanese? Paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences. Ishii, K., & Kitayama, S. (2005). Group agency bias in Japan and the US. Paper presented at the Cultural Psychology Pre-conference of the 6th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Ishizaki, C., & Naka, M. (2005). The effect of retrieval on accuracy-confidence relationship for recognition memory. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Research on Memory and Cognition. Kaji, Y., & Naka, M. (2005). The effects of enactment of sign languages on memory for words. Paper presented at the Tsukuba International Conference on Memory. Kaji, Y., & Naka, M. (2005). Source monitoring of memory for actions. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Research on Memory and Cognition. Kameda, T. (2005). Culture as a micro-macro system: Evolution of the “egalitarian culture” as an illustration. Paper presented at the Invited talk at Culture and the Mind Workshop. Kashima, M., & Sato.K. (2005). Emergence of creativity and improvisation at children's pretend play. Paper presented at the First ISCAR Congress. Kashima, M., & Sato.K. (2005). Why make-believe play appeals to children? Analyzing children play as improvisation. Paper presented at the First ISCAR Congress. Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2005). Two posterior erp components associated with visual change detection: probabilityindependent positivity and probabilitydependent negativity. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Kiyonari, T. (2005). Can the second-order punishment solve the puzzle of cooperation in one-shot games? Paper presented at the The Evolutionary Psychology Pre-Conference, The 6th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting. Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2005). The Carrot or the Stick: Which is more likely to support cooperation? Paper presented at the 6th Darwinian Day, Queen’s University. Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2005). Second-order punishment and reward in public goods games. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association. Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2005). Second-order punishment and reward in public goods games. Paper presented at the Annual International Meeting of the Economic Science Association. Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2005). Selective incentives for cooperation: second-order punishment vs. second-order reward. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Ontario Ecology & Ethology Colloquium. Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2005). Selective incentives for cooperation: second-order punishment vs. second-order reward. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2005). Selective incentives for cooperation: second-order punishment vs. second-order reward. Paper presented at the In House Conference, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour, McMaster University. Kiyonari, T., Barclay, P., Wilson, M., & Daly, M. (2005). Rewards are better than punishment as a solution to the second-order sanction problem. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Kiyonari, T., Barclay, P., Wilson, M., & Daly, M. (2005). The role of punishment and reward: the mechanisms maintaining cooperation. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology. Mashima, R., & Takahashi, N. (2005). The emergence of indirect reciprocity: Theoretical and empirical approaches toward indirect reciprocity. Paper presented at the Seventh CEFOM/21 International Workshop. Mashima, R., & Takahashi, N. (2005). What types of others do people regard as "good" in generalized exchange? Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Mashima, R., & Takahashi, N. (2005). What types of others do people regard as "good" in indirect reciprocity? :A vignette study to examine strategies in indirect reciprocity settings. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Mashima, R., & Takahashi, N. (2005). What types of others do people regard as 'good' in indirect reciprocity?: A vignette study to examine strategies in indirect reciprocity settings. Paper presented at the 3rd US-Japan Joint Conference on Mathematical Sociology. Masuda, T. (2005). Culture and esthetic preference: Comparing attention to context of East Asians and Westerners. Paper presented at the The pre-conference of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Masuda, T. (2005). Culture and point of view: Eye-tracking research on cultural variation in attention between Westerners and East Asians. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Masuda, T., Ellsworth, P., Mesquita, J., Leu, J., & Tanida, S. (2005). Context sensitivity during the facial expression interpretation task: A cross-cultural eye-tracking study between the Japanese and Euro-Americans. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Mifune, N., Terai, S., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Facilitation of cooperation by determination of a partner. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Naka, M. (2005). Belief and experience of memory recovery. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Research on Memory and Cognition. Obata, N., & Takigawa, T. (2005). The Application of Conjoint Analysis for Decision Making. Paper presented at the 9th European Congress of Psychology. Ohno, T., & Abe, J. (2005). Subvocalization reconsidered: a comparative study between L1-L2 silent readings. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum 2005. Ohnuma, S. (2005). Acceptance of a high cost sanction system: Why decision by discussion is preferred. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. Rogers, K., Mesquita, B., & Masuda, T. (2005). The perception of surprise and sadness in Japanese and American cultures. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Sato, K. (2005). Emergence of collaborative musical expression and coordination of performance during the practice of the orchestra. Paper presented at the First ISCAR Congress. Sato, K. (2005). Emergence of creativity and children's world making at the pretend play. Paper presented at the First ISCAR Congress. Sawaki, R., Katayama, J., & Terao, A. M., H. (2005). Relationship between attentional allocation for rare nontarget processing and degree of ad/hd symptoms. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Shinada, M. (2005). Internal and External Motivation of Cooperation. Paper presented at the Seventh CEFOM/21 International Workshop. Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Direct and indirect effects of a sanctioning system. Paper presented at the 3rd US-Japan Joint Conference on Mathematical Sociology. Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Punishing free-riders in a public good problem: Direct and indirect promotions of cooperation. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of Experimental Economics in Japan, affiliating with ESA. Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., & Yamamoto, Y. (2005). Third-party punishment of in-group and out-group members. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Sugiura, J., Ohnuma, S., Blöbaum, A., Ando, K., Matthies, E., & Hirose, Y. (2005). Comparing collective action as an environmental protection in Germany and Japan. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. Suzuki, N., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Social pressure constrains the Japanese attribution style. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Takahashi, C. (2005). Beauty is but skin deep: Attractiveness and cooperation in social exchange. Paper presented at the Seventh CEFOM/21 International Workshop. Takahashi, C., Suzuki, N., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Social institutions and the self: Independent and interdependent self. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Bonference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Takahashi, C., Tanida, S., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Attractiveness and Cooperation in Social Exchange. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Takahashi, N. (2005). The emergence of generalized exchange. Paper presented at the 1st Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium. Takahashi, N. (2005). Maintenance of Indirect Reciprocity – An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the eighth Annual Symposium on Japanese-American Frontiers of Science 2005, U.S. National Academy of Science & Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences. Takahashi, N., & Mashima, R. (2005). Does intention matter in third-party punishment? Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of Human Behavior & Evolution Society. Takahashi, N., & Mashima, R. (2005). Does intention matter in third-party punishment? Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Takahashi, N., & Mashima, R. (2005). The effect of perception errors on the emergence of generalized exchange. Paper presented at the 3rd US-Japan Joint Conference on Mathematical Sociology. Takahashi, N., & Mashima., R. (2005). Which is Better - Having a few buddies or having many acquaintances? Paper presented at The 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Takemura, K., & Arimoto, H. (2005). Cognitive dissonance and the frontier spirit: The independent self in Japan’s “Northern Frontier”. Paper presented at the Symposium on "Culture in conflict: Individualism and collectivism in the Netherlands, Taiwan and Japan.", The 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Takemura, K., Yuki, M., Maddux, W. W., & Brewer, M. B. (2005). Cross-cultural differences in relationship- and group-based trust: A vignette study. Paper presented at the Conference on Trust, Interpersonal Relations, and Civil Society in Korea and Japan. Tamura, R., & Kameda, T. (2005). Cognitive and physiological evidence of fear contagion. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Tanida, S., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Where to look and why: Utility transformation and heuristics as explanations of cooperation in one-shot PD games. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Tanida, S., & Yamagishi, T. (2005). Where to look and why: Utility transformation and heuristics as explanations of cooperation in one-shot PD games. Paper presented at the Seventh CEFOM/21 International Workshop. Terai, S. (2005). Internet Experiment on Punishment Behavior. Paper presented at the Seventh CEFOM/21 International Workshop. Terai, S., Yamagishi, T., & Cook, K. S. (2005). Punishment on in-group and out-group members. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Tsuchida, Y., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2005). The relation between working memory capacity and control function of response inhibition. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Tsuchikura, R. (2005). Educational Status and Income: Correlations with Subjective Evaluation of Marital Quality - Differences by Gender and Age-cohort-. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference. Uchida, S. (2005). Becoming an artist: a case study of the young artist in the identity crisis. Paper presented at the First ISCAR Congress. Uchikoshi, A., & Naka, M. (2005). The influence of post questioning and imagery in fored confabulation effect. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Research on Memory and Cognition. Wehr, P., Nakama, D., & Kameda, T. (2005). Uncertainty influences mate preferences. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of Human Behavior & Evolution Society. Yamada, M., Abe, J., & Fletcher-Finn, C. M. (2005). Phonological recoding in reading English by Japanese ESL learners. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of AHDA (Australian Human Development). Yamagishi, T. (2005). Heuristics or utilities: Do cooperators pay more attention to the other player's payoffs than defectors? Paper presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of Experimental Economics in Japan, affiliating with ESA. Yamagishi, T. (2005). Norms as a Self-sustaining System of Mutual Coercion. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Group Processes Conference. Yamagishi, T. (2005). Trust and Social Intelligence in Changing Asia. Paper presented at the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Conference. Yamagishi, T., Takahashi, C., Park, Y. S., Tanida, S., Lee, S., & Cho, K. (2005). Beware of attractive Japanese guys, and Koreans as well. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Yamagishi, T., Terai, S., Kiyonari, T., Mifune, N., & Kanazawa, S. (2005). Social exchange heuristic: Managing errors in social exchange. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Meeting. Accounting for the Rising and Declining Group Processes Conference. Yamazaki, K., & Katayama, J. (2005). Processing speed for the mental imagery representation was reflected by the p300 latency. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Yokota, K., & Yuki, M. (2005). The effect of intergroup threat priming on ingroup cooperation in different contexts: A view from coalitional psychology. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Yuki, M. (2005). Culture, Group, and Identity in North American and East Asian Contexts. Paper presented at the Symposium on "How broad are the psychological differences between East Asians and North Americans?", The 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology. Yuki, M. (2005). Culture, Group, and Identity in North American and East Asian Contexts. Paper presented at the 14th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology. Yuki, M., Maddux, W. W., & Takemura, K. (2005). Cross-Cultural Differences in Intergroup versus Intragroup Orientations. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Yuki, M., & Yokota, K. (2005). How men and women live in groups: Intragroup cooperation and/or intergroup competition. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Yuki, M., & Yokota, K. (2005). How men and women live in groups: Intragroup or intergroup bases of cooperation. Paper presented at the 3rd SPSP Evolutionary Psychology Pre-Conference. 【国内学会】 青木美和子 (2005). 高次脳機能障害者の日常における記憶・現在的行為に関する研究 日本発達心理学会第16回大会.青木美和子 (2005). 高次脳機能障害者の「記憶」に関する研究 日本教育心理学会第47回総会. 荒山千恵 (2005). 「音」の考古学−筑形木製品を例として− 北大史学会. 浅井千絵・仲真紀子 (2005). 主尋問と反対尋問の理解II?リアルなやり取りはわかりやすいか?? 日本心理学会第69回大会, 792. 藤木晶子・菱谷晋介 (2005). 手指運動情報の記憶における眼球運動と身体運動のリハーサル効果について:始点を固定した移動方向判別課題を用いて 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 藤木晶子・菱谷晋介 (2005). 手指運動情報の記憶における眼球運動と身体運動のリハーサル効果について 日本イメージ心理学会第6回大会. 藤本愉 (2005). 語りに表れる「参加」と「非ー参加」ー療育実践における語りに基づく検討ー 日本発達心理学会第16回大会. 藤本愉 (2005). 語りだされる子ども「問題」へのナラティブ・アプローチ 日本心理学会第69回大会ワークショップ. 深浦尚子 (2005). 仲間文化と幼児の遊び世界の形成過程 日本発達心理学会第16回大会. 長谷川真優・室橋春光 (2005). 展望的記憶の”気づき”と”検索”過程に対応する事象関連電位の検討 第23回生理心理学会大会. 長谷川真優・室橋春光 (2005). 展望的記憶における生理心理学的アプローチ 日本心理学会第69回大会. 畑剛太・室橋春光 (2005). 事象関連電位を指標としたGlobalとLocalレヴェルの情報の統合過程に関する研究 第23回生理心理学会大会. 畑剛太・室橋春光 (2005). Global処理とLocal処理の統合過程に関する研究 日本心理学会第69回大会. 平野晋吾・広重佳治・室橋春光 (2005). 入眠過程における脳波α活動の周期性変動と覚醒水準 第23回生理心理学会大会. 廣瀬健司・菱谷晋介 (2005). 輝度イメージの形成による明るさの順応水準の変化 ヒューマン情報処理研究会. 廣瀬健司・菱谷晋介 (2005). 輝度イメージが明るさの比較に及ぼす効果 日本心理学会第69回大会. 廣瀬健司・菱谷晋介 (2005). 輝度イメージの形成による明るさの順応水準の変化(2) 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 廣瀬健司・菱谷晋介 (2005). 単眼での輝度刺激の観察が対側の眼球で行う輝度の比較におよぼす影響 日本イメージ心理学会第6回大会. 菱谷晋介 (2005). ワーキングメモリとメンタルイメージ 第2回北海道大学脳科学研究教育センターシンポジウム&北海道大学医学系シンポジウム「ストレスと脳機能」合同シンポジウム. 本多悠葵・瀧川哲夫 (2005). ステレオタイプが個人の特性判断に与える影響について 日本心理学会第69回大会. 本多悠葵・瀧川哲夫 (2005). ステレオタイプが特性判断に与える影響〜ステレオタイプ不一致情報の記憶と好みの判断について〜 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 堀川裕生・竹村幸祐・結城雅樹・Ann.Rumble・Marilynn.Brewer (2005). 日本人の集団主義を支える制度と心: 日米比較実験による検討 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 保坂和貴 (2005). 幼児の協同遊びにおけるいざこざとルールの展開 日本教育心理学会第47回総会. 黄立てい・阿部純一 (2005). 第二言語としての日本語のモーラ知覚 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 黄立てい・阿部純一 (2005). 第二言語の日本語としてのモーラ知覚 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 生駒里美・菱谷晋介 (2005). イメージがバイオフィードバックに及ぼす効果の検討 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 犬飼佳吾 (2005). マキャベリ的知能仮説下における利他行動 日本社会心理学会第46回大会. 煎本孝 (2005). 心の実験とフィールドワーク 日本文化人類学会第39回研究大会分科会「心の実験とフィールドワーク」. 煎本孝 (2005). 北方研究の展開 日本文化人類学会第39回研究大会, 北海道大学21世紀COE特別シンポジウム「北方研究からみえる人類学の今日的課題」. 煎本孝 (2005). アイヌ文化を創る−まりも祭りにみる伝統、創造、共生 財団法人アイヌ文化振興・研究推進機構普及啓発セミナー, 26-30. 石橋伸恵・亀田達也 (2005). アリもキリギリス? : Producer-scrounger equilibrium 人間行動進化学研究会第7回研究発表会. 石田容士 (2005). アイロニーによる非難の対象は反復的言及によって同定されるか 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 石田容士・阿部純一 (2005). 誰の発話を反復的に言及したかはアイロニー理解に影響するか 日本心理学会第69回大会, 951. 石田容士・阿部純一 (2005). アイロニーによる非難の対象は反復的言及によって同定されるか. 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 石黒広昭 (2005). 大人と子どもの協働問題生成過程としてのドラマプレイ 日本保育学会第58回大会 大会企画シンポジウム「子どもの傍らに近づくために」. 石黒広昭 (2005). 乳幼児の「食べ」の成立:社会歴史的アプローチからみた保育と育ち あかちゃん学会第五回学術集会 (招待講演). 石黒広昭 (2005). 行為の中の他者ー乳幼児の食介助事例からー 日本発達心理学会北海道地区シンポジウム(招待講演). 石井敬子 (2005). ストループ干渉効果:意味マッチング課題を用いた検討 日本認知科学会第22回大会. 石井敬子・北山忍 (2005). 知覚レベルにおける外集団等質性効果. 日本社会心理学会第46回大会. 石崎千景・仲真紀子 (2005). 顔再認の繰り返しが正確さと確信度の関係に及ぼす影響 日本心理学会第69回大会, 844. 石崎千景・仲真紀子 (2005). 識別の対象が既知または未知の人物であった場合における目撃記憶の信頼性の評価 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 板垣俊・村田明日香・片山順一 (2005). 予期できるフィードバックに対するERP:反応ERNとFB-ERNの関係について 第23回生理心理学会大会. 板垣俊・村田明日香・片山順一 (2005). フランカー課題における制限時間超過反応の評価に関する検討: 反応ERNとFB-ERNを指標として 日本心理学会第69回大会. 出馬圭世・結城雅樹 (2005). 内集団愛着と外集団敵意は異なる心理プロセスに基づくのか −集団間バイアスへの適応論的アプローチ− 日本社会心理学会第46回大会. 加地雄一・仲真紀子 (2005). 手話単語を用いた実演効果の検討 日本心理学会第69回大会, 873. 加地雄一・仲真紀子 (2005). 何をどのように実演するとよく覚えられるのか? 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 加地雄一・仲真紀子 (2005). 実演すると何が良く覚えられるのか? 日本基礎心理学会第24回大会. 亀田達也 (2005). 「グローバル化社会におけるリスクと安心」 日本社会心理学会第46回大会. 笠井有利子・川端康弘 (2005). 室内空間の変化に対する認知の精度−視点の変化− 日本認知心理学会第3回大会, 128. 笠井有利子・川端康弘 (2005). 室内空間の変化に対する認知の精度−明るさ・色の変化− 日本心理学会第69回大会, 676. 笠井有利子・川端康弘 (2005). 室内空間の変化に対する認知の精度 北海道心理学会第52回大会. 片桐正敏・室橋春光 (2005). 軽度発達障害を持つ子どもたちの認知特性について?弱い中枢性統合理論からの検討? 日本LD学会第14回大会. 片山順一 (2005). ERPを指標としたAD/HD児の認知機能評価の試み 第23回生理心理学会大会シンポジウム「脳波・事象関連電位と神経イメージング」. 片山順一 (2005). 事象関連電位をどう使うか−若手研究者からの提言(2) 日本心理学会第69回大会ワークショップ. 川端康弘・川端美穂 (2005). ビジュアルシーンの再認における輝度情報の効果 日本認知心理学会第3回大会. 川端康弘・川端美穂 (2005). ビジュアルシーンを再認する能力の比較 −美術専攻大学生と一般大学生の場合− 日本心理学会第69回大会. 木村元洋・片山順一・室橋春光 (2005). 視覚性変化検出を反映するERP成分に関する研究:等確率刺激系列における先行刺激とのミスマッチ効果の分析 第23回生理心理学会大会. 木村美希 (2005). 西シベリア地域の通過儀礼、変化、集団維持機能 日本文化人類学会第39回研究大会. 小泉雅彦・室橋春光・平田千絵 (2005). 言語理解と行動に課題を抱えた帰国児童への支援 日本LD学会第14回大会. 小杉康 (2005). 北海道における縄文文化の遺跡立地 北海道考古学会研究大会. 小杉康・橋本雄一・阿部哲史・中田賢・太田克美 (2005). 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