CEFOM/21 事業実績
Hokkaido University



Cheon, T., & Takahashi, T. (in press). Interference and inequality in quantum decision theory. Physics letters A.

Hashimoto, H., Li, Y., & Yamagishi, T. (in press). Beliefs and Preferences in Cultural Game Players and Cultural Agents. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.

Horita, Y. (2010). Punishers may be chosen as providers but not as recipients. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 1(1), 6-9.

Irimoto, T. (2010). Northern Studies and Ainu Culture. Northern Studies Association Bulletin(14), 1-5.

Irimoto, T. (in press). Revival of the Ainu Bear Festival: The Mind, Ethnic Symbiosis and Continuity of Traditional Culture. Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies.

Irimoto, T. (in press). Ritual and Discourses on Nature among the Changing Post-Soviet Reindeer Herders in Northern Kamchatka. Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies.

Ishihara, K. (in press). Technological Artifacts and Intentionality?Toward a Phenomenology of Technology. Identity and Alterity: Phenomenology and Cultural Traditions, 33-41.

Ishii, K., Kobayashi, Y., & Kitayama, S. (2010). Interdependence modulates the brain response to word-voice incongruity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 5, 307-317.

Kameda, T., & McDermott, R. (in press). On the hunting (also) for family hypothesis. Current Anthropology.

Kameda, T., Tsukasaki, T., Hastie, R., & Berg, N. (2011). Democracy under uncertainty: The wisdom of crowds and the free-rider problem in group decision making. Psychological Review, 118, 76-96.

Kikuchi, H., Mifune, N., Niino, M., Ohbu, S., Kira, J., Kohriyama, T., et al. (in press). Impact and characteristics of quality of life in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research.

Loughnan, S., Leidner, B., Doron, G., Haslam, N., Kashima, Y., Tong, J., et al. (2010). Universal biases in self-perception: Better and more human than average. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 627-636.

Matsuyama, N. (2010). The psychological foundations of Alfred Marshall's economics: an interpretation of the relationship between his early research of psychology and his economics. Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics, 3(2), 148-150.

Naka, M., Okada, Y., Fujita, M., & Yamasaki, Y. (in press). Citizen’s psychological knowledge, legal knowledge, and attitudes toward participation in the new Japanese legal system, Saiban-in seido. Psychology, Crime & Law.

Saito, T. (in press). The Survival and Symbiosis of Blacksmiths in Bishnupur, India. Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies.

Schug, J., Yuki, M., & W.W, M. (2010). Relational Mobility Explains Between- and Within-Culture Differences in Self-Disclosure to Close Friends. Psychological Science, 21(10), 1471-1478.

Takagishi, H., Kameshima, S., Schug, J., Koizumi, M., Fujii, T., & Yamagishi, T. (2010). Cognitive and emotional perspective-taking in economic decision-making in the ultimatum game. Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind Working Paper Series, 114.

Takahashi, T. (in press). A neuroeconomic theory of bidirectional synaptic plasticity and addiction. Medical hypotheses.

Takahashi, T. (in press). Psychophysics of the probability weighting function. Physica A.

Takahashi, T. (in press). A social discounting model based on Tsallis' statistics. Physica A.

Takahashi, T. (in press). Toward molecular neuroeconomics of obesity. Medical hypotheses.

Takahashi, T., Makino, T., Ohmura, Y., & Fukui, H. (in press). Employing delay and probability discounting frameworks for a neuroeconomic understanding of gambling behavior. International Journal of Psychology Research.

Takahashi, T., Oono, H., Ohmura, Y., Kitamura, N., & Radford, M. H. B. (in press). Relationship between personality scales of impulsiveness and discounting of monetary gains and losses in smokers and never smokers. International Journal of Psychology Research.

Takahashi, T., Oono, H., & Radford, M. H. B. (in press). The relationship between depressive mood and impulsivity in healthy and depressed patients. Psychiatry Research Journal.

Takahashi, T., Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., Inukai, K., Tanida, S., Mifune, N., et al. (in press). Stress hormones predict hyperbolic time-discount rates six months later in adults. Neuroendocrinology Letters.

Takemura, K., Yuki, M., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2010). Attending inside or outside: A Japan-US comparison of spontaneous memory of group information. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 13, 303-307.

Tanida, S., & Yamagishi, T. (2010). Testing social preferences through differential attention to own and partner's payoff in a Prisoner's Dilemma game. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 1, 31-34 .

Uehara, C. (2010). Anthropological Study on Ethnic Conflict Resolution by the Tibetan People: a Case of Hualong Hui Autonomous County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China. Northern Studies Association Bulletin(14), 7-9.

Uehara, C. (in press). A Strategy for Coexistence: Case of the Festival at Temple W in Haidong District, Qinghai Province, China. Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies.

Van Vugt, M., & Kameda, T. (in press). Evolutionary psychology of group processes. Group Processes.

Wisdom, T. N., & Goldstone. (in press). Imitation, innovation,and problem-solving in a networked group. Nonlinear Dynamics,Psychology, and Life Sciences.

Yamada, T., & Irimoto, T. (2010). Study Trends: Continuity of Traditional Cultures. Northern Studies Association Bulletin(14), 10.

Yamagishi, T., Hashimoto, H., Cook, K. S., & Kiyonari, T. (2010). Modesty in Self-Presentation: A Comparison between the U.S. and Japan. Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind Working Paper Series, 116.

Yamagishi, T., Hashimoto, H., Li, Y., & Schug, J. (2010). City Air Brings Freedom. Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind Working Paper Series, 115.

Yamaguchi, M. (2010). Contemporary Development of Northern Hunting-Gathering Community. Northern Studies Association Bulletin(14), 5-7.

Yamaguchi, M. (in press). A Struggle for Co-existence between the Euro-Canadians and the Kaska First Nations. Continuity, Symbiosis, and the Mind in Traditional Cultures of Modern Societies.

Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2010). Communicating Stereotype-Relevant Information: How Readily Can People Individuate? Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 13, 209-220.

Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (in press). Culture and Stereotype Communication: Are people from Eastern cultures more stereotypical in communication? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Yeung, W. L. V., Tsuchiya, K., Loughnan, S., & Kashima, Y. (2010). An Unacknowledged Lay Belief: I am already benefited from an object once I possess it even before I utilize it. Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences Working Paper Series, 119.

Yeung, W. L. V., Yuki, M., & Chao, M. (2010). Do Americans find it easier to speak directly and Japanese find it easier to speak indirectly? Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences Working Paper Series, 112.


アラタ. (2010). 内モンゴルにおける生態環境の悪化について―内モンゴル・ウーシン旗の事例から. 北方学会報(14), 49-53.

藤井貴之・亀島信也・高岸治人. (2010). 集団との関係とネガティブな感情表出との関係:最後通告ゲームを用いた実験. 関西福祉科学大学紀要, 14, 151-157.

橋本博文. (印刷中). 相互協調性の自己維持メカニズム. 実験社会心理学研究.

橋本博文・品田瑞穂・山岸俊男・三船恒裕・犬飼佳吾・高岸治人・堀田結孝・李楊・清成透子・谷田林士・高橋知里. (2010). デフォルト戦略としての自己卑下バイアス――成人を対象とする実験研究――. Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind Working Paper Series, 117.

堀田結孝・山岸俊男. (2010). 集団内における互恵性の適応基盤. 心理学研究, 81(2), 114-122.

山田孝子・煎本孝. (2010). 研究動向:伝統文化の継続. 北方学会報(14), 55-56.

煎本孝. (2010). 人類の進化と北方適応. 文化人類学, 74(4), 541-565.

煎本孝. (2010). 北方学とアイヌ文化. 北方学会報(14), 1-4.

加地雄一, 仲真紀子, & 花田安弘. (印刷中). 被験者実演課題における年齢効果と系列位置曲線. 教育工学会.

小林重人・栗田健一・西部忠・橋本敬. (2010). 地域通貨流通実験前後における貨幣意識の変化に関する考察ー東京都武蔵野市のケースー. Center for experimental research in social sciences, Working Paper Series(118), 1-18.

小西賢吾. (2010). 中国のチベット系社会における僧侶教育の再構築‐四川省、Shar Khog地方のボン教僧院を事例に‐. 北方学会 報(14), 34-43.

小西達也. (2010). アメリカと日本のCPEを語る─両CPE経験者による対談. スピリチュアルケアを語る<第三集>臨床的教育法の試み.

三船恒裕・山岸俊男・谷田林士・高橋知里・品田瑞穂・犬飼佳吾・高岸治人・堀田結孝・橋本博文・清成透子・李楊・川村誠. (2010). 最小条件集団における内集団ひいきと心理特性との関連:非学生サンプルを用いた検討. Center for the Study of Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind Working Paper Series, 110.

峰岸雅俊. (2010). 北海道深川市メム地区における北海道移民の生存戦略. 北方学会報(14), 53-55.

室橋春光. (印刷中). 土曜教室の教育的意義. 子ども発達臨床研究.

仲真紀子. (印刷中). 児童虐待における子どもとの面接:出来事を話す. そだちと臨床.

仲真紀子. (印刷中). 常識とは何か-法と心理学の視点から- 理論心理学研究.

仲真紀子. (2010). 裁判員の知識と力:市民が裁判を行うことについて. 法と心理, 9(1), 24-28.

仲真紀子. (2010). 司法面接とは何か. 心の健康(125).

仲真紀子. (2010). 子どもの証言と心理学鑑定. 科学, 80(6), 654-656.

仲真紀子. (2010). 性的虐待事例における非加害親への支援. そだちと臨床(8), 127-128.

奥山史亮. (印刷中). ルーマニア民族主義運動をめぐるエリアーデ批判とクリアーヌ. 宗教倫理学会.

品田瑞穂・山岸俊男・谷田林士・高橋知里・犬飼佳吾・小泉径子・横田晋大・三船恒裕・堀田結孝・高岸治人・橋本博文. (2010). 他者の協力行動の推測の正確さを規定する要因――魅力度と表情豊かさ――. 心理学研究, 81, 149-157.

竹村明子. (2010). 実践教育の効果:介護福祉士養成課程における実習体験と介護への自己決定性の関係. 教育心理学研究, 58(2), 176-185.

上原周子. (2010). 集落間における畑の水争いとその解決‐中国青海省海東地区における事例から‐. 北方学会報(14), 21-34.

上宮愛・仲真紀子. (2010). 幼児による人形・道具を用いた出来事の報告. 発達研究, 24, 25-36..

宇都宮輝夫. (印刷中). 死生観を学ぶことの意義と限界. 死生学年報, 6.

宇都宮輝夫. (印刷中). 人生の受容と死の受容. 北海道大学文学研究科ライブラリ『老い翔る』.

山口未花子. (2010). 現代社会を生きる狩猟採集民―カナダ、ユーコン準州のカスカの事例から―. 北方学会報(14), 5-21.

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