場所:北海道大学人文社会科学総合教育研究棟 W310
スピーカー:西條辰義(大阪大学社会経済研究所 教授)
文部科学省特定領域研究「実験社会科学 - 実験が切り開く21世紀の社会科学 -」の研究代表者でもある西條辰義教授が、最新の実験研究の成果について報告した。発表後、フロアの参加者との間で、社会心理学と実験経済学における実験の意義の相違などについて活発な議論が交わされた。
"A Solution to Prisoner’s Dilemma: 100% Cooperation in the Experiment with
Approval Stage"
Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Yoshitaka Okano and Takafumi Yamakawa
Players can approve or reject the other choice of the strategy after playing
a Prisoner’s Dilemma game. If both approve the other choice, the outcome is
what they choose, and if either one rejects the other, it is the outcome
when both defect called the Mate Selection Mechanism. The subgame perfect
equilibria of this two stage game have the outcomes where both are
cooperative and both are defective. However, the all pairs of weakly
evolutionarily stable strategies coincide with the subgame perfect
equilibria where both are cooperative and we observed 100% cooperation in
the experimental session of prisoner’s dilemma game with approval stage, and
7.9% cooperation in the session of the game without the approval stage.
Email: hizen@econ.hokudai.ac.jp
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