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Outcomes of CEFOM/21
Hokkaido University
Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
Kita 10, Nishi 7 Kita-ku Sapporo-shi Hokkaido


【GCOE Student Seminar】

The 22nd GCOE Student Seminar

  • Date: May, 11, 2011
  • Speaker 1: Motonobu Hidaka (Resarch Group of Educational and Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Education)
    "Recognition of facial emotion on social context: an event-related potential study" 

    Speaker 2: KUnihito Nagasaka (Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters)
    "Development of emission trading game from the perspective of social dilemma and intergroup conflict" 

The 23rd GCOE Student Seminar

  • Date: June, 22, 2011
  • Speaker 1: Ai Uemiya (Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Letters)
    "Mock juror’s evaluation about children’s ability to testify and the effect of the Truth-Lie Discussion" 

    Speaker 2: Ayaka Hatano (Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters)
    "Effect of consensus on punitive behavior" 

The 24th GCOE Student Seminar

  • Date: July, 20, 2011
  • Speaker 1: Nobuyoshi Konishi (Research group of Northern Culture Studies, Graduate School of Letters)
    "An anthropological study on mutual cooperation for clearing snow in a heavy snowfall and depopulated area" 

    Speaker 2: Arisa Miura (Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters)
    "Social risk aversion: What is it, and how does it work?" 

The 25th GCOE Student Seminar

  • Date: October, 26, 2011
  • Speaker 1: Satoru Hashimoto (Resarch Group of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Education)
    "Consideration of the influence of closeness when the children with autism show helping behavior" 

    Speaker 2: Kosuke Sato (Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters)
    "Trust in public-works controversy: Comparison of trust models using scenario experiment" 

The 26th GCOE Student Seminar

  • Date: Nobember, 30, 2011
  • Speaker 1: Bokukan Ko (Department of Economic Analysis)
    "Allocation of Residency Card and Firm Productivity: A Comparative Statics of Institutional Difference in China" 

    Speaker 2: Fumihiko Nakamura (Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters)
    "Psychopathy and impulsivity in delay and probability discounting of gain and loss"

The 27th GCOE Student Seminar

  • Date: Feburary, 8, 2012
  • Speaker 1: Ryuji Hidaka (Resarch Group of Special Education, Clinical Psychology of Education, Graduate School of Education)
    "Time course of facial semantic process during a semantic priming paradigm" 

    Speaker 2: Yoko Kitakaji (Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters)
    "When monitoring causes non-cooperative behavior in a social dilemma situation: A study using the 'Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping Game' "

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