Articles in English
Foddy, M., & Yamagishi, T. (in press). Group-based trust: Social exchange bases of trust in group contexts. In K. S. Cook, R. Hardin & M. Levi (Eds.), Trust. New York, USA: Russell Sage Foundation.
Kameda, T., Takezawa, M., Ohtsubo, Y., & Hastie, R. (2009). Are our minds fundamentally egalitarian? Adaptive bases of different socio-cultural models about distributive justice. In M. Schaller, A. Norezayan, S. Heine, T. Yamagishi & T. Kameda (Eds.), Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind (pp. 151-163). New York, USA: Psychology Press.
Mizutani, Y. (in press). Indigenous Peoples and Borderlands. In E. Barkan (Ed.), Immigrants in America. Santa Barbara, USA: ABC-Clio.
Park, H., & Kitayama, S. (in press). Perceiving through culture: The socialized attention hypothesis. In K. N. N. Ambady, S. Shimojo and R. B. Adams, Jr. (Ed.), Science of Social Vision. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Schaller, M., Norezayan, A., Heine, S., Yamagishi, T., & Kameda, T. (2009). Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind. In M. Schaller, A. Norezayan, S. Heine, T. Yamagishi & T. Kameda (Eds.), Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind. New York, USA: Psychology Press.
Takagishi, H., Takahashi, T., & Yamagishi, T. (2009). The Relationship between Impulsiveness and Rejection Behavior in the Ultimatum Game. In G. H. Lassiter (Ed.), Impulsivity: Causes, Control and Disorders. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
Takahashi, T., Makino, T., Ohmura, Y., & Fukui, H. (in press). Employing delay and probability discounting frameworks for a neuroeconomic understanding of gambling behavior. In Psychology of Gambling. Carbondale, USA: Nova Publishing.
Takahashi, T., Oono, H., Ohmura, Y., Kitamura, N., & Radford, M. H. B. (in press). Relationship between personality scales of impulsiveness and discounting of monetary gains and losses in smokers and never smokers. In Men and Addiction. Carbondale, USA: Nova Publishing.
Yamagishi, T., Matsuda, M., Yoshikai, N., & Takahashi, H. (2009). Solving the lemons problem with reputation: An experimental study of online trading. In K. S. Cook, C. Sniders, V. Buskens & C. Cheshire (Eds.), Etrust: Forming relationships in the online world (pp. 73-108). New York, USA: Russell Sage Foundation.
Yamagishi, T., & Suzuki, N. (2009). An Institutional Approach to Culture. In M. Schaller, A. Norezayan, S. Heine, T. Yamagishi & T. Kameda (Eds.), Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind (pp. 185-203). New York, USA: Psychology Press.