Our Outcomes
Research Outcomes in 2007
Research Outcomes in 2008
Books and Book Chapters
Journal Articles
Conference Presentations
Research Outcomes in 2009
Research Outcomes in 2010
Research Outcomes in 2011
Outcomes of CEFOM/21
Hokkaido University
Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
Kita 10, Nishi 7 Kita-ku Sapporo-shi Hokkaido

Journal Articles

Articles in English

Cook, K. S., & Yamagishi, T. (2008). A defense of deception on scientific ground. Social Psychology Quarterly, 71, 215-221.

Igarashi, T., Kashima, Y., Kashima, E. S., Farsides, T., Kim, U., Strack, F., Werth, L., & Yuki, M. (2008). Culture, trust and social networks. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 11, 88-101.

Irimoto, T. (2008). A Circumpolar Reappraisal. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 13, 6-7.

Irimoto, T. (2008). Northern Studies and Human evolution. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 13, 1-4.

Ishii, K., & Kurzban, R. (2008). Public goods games in Japan: Cultural and individual differences in reciprocity. Human Nature, 19, 138-156.

Itagaki, S., & Katayama, J. (2008). Self-relevant criteria determine the evaluation of outcomes induced by others. NeuroReport, 19, 383-387.

Katayama, J., & Sawaki, R. (2008). Deviant Processing Is Modulated by Stimulus Context: Evidence from P3a and P3b. Brain Topography, 20, 158.

Kichiji, N., & Nishibe, M. (2008). Network Analyses of the Circulation Flow of Community Currency. Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review, 4, 267-300.

Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Attention switching function of memory-comparison-based change detection system in the visual modality. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 67, 101-113.

Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Effects of feature and spatial attention on visual change detection. NeuroReport, 19, 389-392.

Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Involvement of memory-comparison-based change detection in visual distraction. Psychophysiology, 45, 445-457.

Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Murohashi, H. (2008). Underlying mechanisms of the P3a-task-difficulty effect. Psychophysiology, 45, 731-741.

Kimura, M., Katayama, J., & Ohira, H. (2008). Event-related brain potential evidence for implicit change detection: A replication of Fernandez-Duque et al. (2003). Neuroscience Letters, 448, 236-239.

Masuda, T., Ellsworth, P., Mesquita, B., Leu, J., Tanida, S., & van de Veerdonk, E. (2008). Placing the face in context: Cultural differences in the perception of facial emotion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, 365-381.

Masuda, Y. (2008). Norm formations and ethics in transition economies -The styles of capital accumulation through the diverse privatization processes-. Applied Ethics: Perspectives from Asia and Beyond, 66-75.

Saito, T. (2008). Changes in Traditional Communities and their Survival. Northern Studies Association Bulletin, 13, 4-6.

Sanchez-Burks, J., Neuman, E. J., Ybarra, O., Kopelman, S., Park, H., & Goh, K. (2008). Folk wisdom about the effects of relationship conflict. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 1, 53-76.

Sawaki, R., & Katayama, J. (2008). Distractor P3 is associated with attentional capture by stimulus deviance. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119, 1300-1309.

Sawaki, R., & Katayama, J. (2008). Top-down directed attention to stimulus features and attentional allocation to bottom-up deviations. Journal of Vision, 8, 4:1-8.

Takahashi, C., Yamagishi, T., Liu, J., Wang, F., Lin, Y., & Yu, S. (2008). The intercultural trust paradigm: Studying joint cultural interaction and social exchange in real time over the internet. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32, 215-228.

Takahashi, T. (2008). A comparison between Tsallis' statistics-based and generalized quasi-hyperbolic discount models in humans. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 387, 551-556.

Takahashi, T. (2009). Tsallis' non-extensive free energy as a subjective value of an uncertain reward. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 388, 715-719.

Takahashi, T. (2008). Biophysics of risk aversion based on neurotransmitter receptor theory. NeuroEndocrinology Letters, 29, 399-404.

Takahashi, T., Ikeda, K., & Hasegawa, T. (2008). Salivary alpha-amylase levels and temporal discounting for primary reward under a simulated life-threatening condition. NeuroEndocrinology Letters.

Takahashi, T., Oono, H., Inoue, T., Boku, S., Kako, Y., Kitaichi, Y., et al. (2008). Depressive patients are more impulsive and inconsistent in intertemporal choice behavior for monetary gain and loss than healthy subjects- an analysis based on Tsallis' statistics. NeuroEndocrinology Letters, 29, 351-358.

Takahashi, T., Oono, H., & Radford, M. H. B. (2008). Psychophysics of time-perception and intertemporal choice models. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 387(8-9), 2066-2074.

Takahashi, T., Sakaguchi, K., Oki, M., & Hasegawa, T. (2008). Sex hormonal modulation of hyperbolic discount factor in men. Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 1(1), 7-16.

Yamagishi, T., Hashimoto, H., & Schug, J. (2008). Preference vs. Strategy as Explanations of Culture-specific Behavior. Psychological Science, 19, 579-584.

Yamagishi, T., & Mifune, N. (2008). Does shared group membership promote altruism? Fear, greed and reputation. Rationality and Society, 20, 5-30.

Yamagishi, T., Mifune, N., Liu, J., & Pauling, J. (2008). Exchange of group-based favours: Ingroup bias in the prisoner's dilemma game with minimal groups in Japan and New Zealand. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 11, 196-207.

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