Articles in English
Brewer, M. B., & Yuki, M. (2007). Culture and social identity. In S. Kitayama & D. Cohen (Eds.), Handbook of cultural psychology (pp. 307-322). New York: Guilford.
Mashima, R., & Takahashi, N. (2007). The emergence of generalized exchange by indirect reciprocity. In A. Biel, D. Eek, T. Garling & M. Gustafsson (Eds.), New issues and paradigms in research on social dilemmas (pp. 156-176). New York: Springer.
Radford, M. H. B., Ohnuma, S., & Yamagishi, T. (Eds.). (2007). Cultural And Ecological Foundations of the Mind. Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. (2007). Bringing Back Leviathan into Social Dilemmas. In A. Biel, et al. (Eds.), New issues and paradigms in social dilemma research (pp. 93-123). New York: Springer.
Takemura, K., Yuki, M., Kashima, E. S., & Halloran, M. (2008). A cross-cultural comparison of behaviors and independent/interdependent self-views. In A. B. I. Bernardo, M. C. Gastardo-Conaco & M. E. C. D. Liwag (Eds.), The self, relationships, and subjective well-being in Asia: Psychological, social, and cultural perspectives (pp. 105-121). Seoul, Korea: Kyoyook-Kwahak-Sa.
Tamura, R., Ishibashi, N., & Kameda, T. (2007). Foraging and risk-monitoring in human groups: How do we solve tradeoffs between the two survival tasks? In M. H. B. Radford, S. Ohnuma & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Cultural and ecological foundations of the mind (pp. 145-168). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Yamagishi, T. (2007). The social exchange heuristic: A psychological mechanism that makes a system of generalized exchange self-sustaining. In M. H. B. Radford, S. Ohnuma & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Cultural and ecological foundation of the mind (pp. 11-37). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Articles in Japanese
Irimoto, T. (2007). Conflict and identity in the revival of Ainu death ritual. In T. Irimoto & T. Yamada (Eds.), Anthropology of Peoples in the North (pp. 9-36). Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
Irimoto, T. (2007). Development of northern studies. In T. Irimoto & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Issues in contemporary anthropology: A view from northern studies (pp. 4-30). Kyoto: Sekai Shisou Sha.
Irimoto, T. (2007). Ethnicity and identity in future. In Irimoto & T. Yamada (Eds.), Anthropology of Peoples in the North (pp. 317-329). Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
Irimoto, T. (2007). Nomads of Reindeer, Philosophy of Cosmic Cycling. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.
Irimoto, T. (2007). Sociality of mind from anthropological approach. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity (pp. 3-33). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Irimoto, T., Takahashi, N., & Yamagishi, T. (Eds.). (2007). Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity. Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Irimoto, T., Takahashi, N., & Yamagishi, T. (2007). Preface. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity (pp. i-iii). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Irimoto, T., & Yamada, T. (Eds.). (2007). Anthropology of peoples in the north. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
Irimoto, T., & Yamada, T. (2007). Ethnicity and identity among peoples in the north. In Irimoto & T. Yamada (Eds.), Anthropology of Peoples in the North (pp. 1-6). Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
Irimoto, T., & Yamagishi, T. (2007). Concluding remarks. In T. Irimoto & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Issues in contemporary anthropology: A view from northern studies (pp. 231-233). Kyoto: Sekai Shisou Sha.
Irimoto, T., & Yamagishi, T. (Eds.). (2007). Issues in contemporary anthropology : A view from northern studies. Kyoto: Sekai Shisou Sha.
Irimoto, T., & Yamagishi, T. (2007). Preface. In T. Irimoto & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Issues in contemporary anthropology: A view from northern studies (pp. i-iii). Kyoto: Sekai Shisou Sha.
Ishihara, K. (2007). Technological risk and engineering ethics. In Engineering Ethics Society of Hokkaido (Ed.), Omnibus: Engineering Ethics (pp. 25-35). Tokyo: Kyoritsu Shuppan.
Kimura, M. (2007). Rites of passage in western siberia, its changes and group maintenance functions. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity (pp. 87-100). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Naka, M. (Ed.). (2007). Emotion and eyewitness testimony. Tokyo: Nippon Housou Shuppan Kyoukai.
Naka, M. (2007). Linguistic features of eyewitness statements and effective investigative interview. In N. Uchida & A. Sakamoto (Eds.), Communication in a Risk Society (pp. 149-169). Tokyo: Kaneko Shobo.
Naka, M. (Ed.). (2007). Memory and emotion. Tokyo: Nippon Housou Shuppan Kyoukai.
Naka, M. (2007). The origin of memory: Remembering past events. In N. Uchida & T. Ujiie (Eds.), Advanced Developmental Psychology (pp. 53-66). Tokyo: Nippon Housou Shuppan Kyoukai.
Naka, M. (2007). Sharing information: Eyewitness report on events. In N. Uchida & T. Ujiie (Ed.), Advanced Developmental Psychology (pp. 81-93). Tokyo: Nippon Housou Shuppan Kyoukai.
Naka, M., & Tanaka, S. (Eds.). (2007). Children's investigative interview: A guideline of video-recorded interview (Translation). Tokyo: Seishin Shobo.
Nishibe, M. (2007). Basic View Points for Development of Local Creativity. In Hokkaido Institute for the Future Advancement (pp. 25-39). Sapporo: Mirai Souken.
Nishibe, M. (2007). Internalization of Market and Market Economization. In M. Obata, T. Aozai, & A. Shimizu (Eds.), Studies on Marxian Economics (pp. 91-106). Tokyo: Ochonomizu Shobo.
Ohnuma, S. (2007). What kind of environmental resolution do people prefer? Kyoto: Nakanishiya Shuppan.
Saito, T. (2007). Interrelationships between culture and mind. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity (pp. 70-86). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Takahashi, N. (2007). Social exchange as the characteristic of human society. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity (pp. 34-54) Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Takemura, K. (2007). Institutions and psychological mechanisms behind Japanese collectivism. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and anthropological approached to reciprocity (pp. 156-170). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Takemura, K. (in press). Self-concept and culture: An investigation into national and regional differences in cognitive dissonance. In H. Enomoto, T. Okada, & J. Shimotomai (Eds.). Tokyo: Kaneko Shobo.
Uehara, C. (2007). Festival of oshirasama in life-activity and cohesion of groups. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity (pp. 101-116). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Yamada, K., Kitamura, H., & Yuki, M. (Eds.). (2007). Social psychology made simple. Kyoto: Minerva Shobo.
Yamagishi, T. (2007). Cultural and ecological foundation of the mind. In T. Irimoto & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Issues in contemporary anthropology: A view from northern studies (pp. 31-42). Kyoto: Sekai Shisou Sha.
Yamagishi, T. (2007). Toward the understanding of sociality of human minds. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices ofsocial groups: Psychological and anthropological approach to reciprocity (pp. 187-195). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Yamaguchi, M. (2007). Norms of small scaled coastal whale hunting society and mind of whale hunters. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and Anthropological Approach to Reciprocity (pp. 57-69). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Yamaguchi, M., Saito, T., Kimura, M., Uehara, C., Nakama, D., Suzuki, N., et al. (2007). Discussion. In T. Irimoto, N. Takahashi, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Logics and practices of social groups: Psychological and anthropological approached to reciprocity (pp. 173-186). Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.
Yokota, K. (2007). Ingroup favoritism and intergroup conflict. In K. Yamada, H. Kitamura, M. Yuki (Eds.), Social psychology made simple (pp. 112-115). Kyoto: Minerva Shobo.