- 90
- Emotional functioning and socio-economic uncertainty: Is “Hikikomori” an indigenous cultural pathology in Japan?
Tatsuya Kameda and Keigo Inukai
- 89
- Democracy under uncertainty: Why self-interested group members cooperate in joint decision tasks
Tatsuya Kameda, Takafumi Tsukasaki, and Reid Hastie
- 88
- Self-judgment and the primitive templates of the mind: Implications for similarity and variability in self-judgment
Hyekyung Park and Oscar Ybarra
- 87
- Perceiving the self through the eyes of others: A cultural study
Hyekyung Park, Rie Toriyama, and Shinobu Kitayama
- 86
- Are French interdependent? National variation in implicit interdependence in Western Europe
Hyekyung Park, William Maddux, and Shinobu Kitayama
- 85
- 社会活動による貨幣意識の差異―地域通貨関係者と金融関係者の比較から―
- 84
- Theory of mind enhances preference for fairness
Haruto Takagishi, Shinya Kameshima, Michiko Koizumi, Joanna Schug, and Toshio Yamagishi
- 83
- Strong reciprocity and reputation management
Toshio Yamagishi, Yutaka Horita, and Haruto Takagishi
- 82
- Outgroup homogeneity effect in perception
Keiko Ishii and Shinobu Kitayama
- 81
- The primal warrior: Outgroup threat priming enhances intergroup discrimination in men but not women
Masaki Yuki and Kunihiro Yokota
- 80
- Social exchange and coalition in intra-group cooperation and inter-group competition
Toshio Yamagishi and Nobuhiro Mifune
- 79
- I know most people know what you mean: The effect of consensus estimation on utterance comprehension
Victoria Wai Lan Yeung, Ivy Yee Man Lau, and Chi Yue Chiu
- 78
- Stereotype-relevant information processing: Does a task with a communication goal analogous to that with an impression formation goal?
Victoria Wai Lan Yeung and Yoshihisa Kashima
- 77
- Culture and stereotype communication: Are people from Eastern cultures more stereotypical in communication?
Victoria Wai Lan Yeung and Yoshihisa Kashima
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