Note: This summer school was jointly held with CERSS.
Date: November 23-25, 2007
Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W309
Tatsuyoshi Saijo (Osaka University, Scientific Research on Priority Areas "Experimental Social Sciences" PI)
Ikuo Kabashima (University of Tokyo)
Takehiko Yamato (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Ken'ichi Shimomura (Kobe University)
Kazuhisa Takemura (Waseda University)
Yoh Iwasa (Kyushu University)
Toshio Yamagishi (Hokkaido University)
Tatsuya Kameda (Hokkaido University)
Total 50 participants
The research project supported by KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) on Priority Areas "Experimental Social Science" aims to promote collaboration among social scientists who belong to different areas by using the medium of “experimentation” as a common language. In addition, it aims to fortify the social sciences in general with higher levels of explanative ability, as well as the ability to propose suggestions and offer advice to policy makers based on research outcomes. To do this, it is indispensable to improve the shared understanding of experimental research among social scientists, in order to grasp the necessary knowledge needed in carrying out experiments. With this necessity in mind, representatives of seven research groups consisting of economists, psychologists, political scientists, etc., presented their concerns regarding research methods and the experimental and/or investigative methodology used in conducting research in each field. A heated discussion developed among participants regarding the ethical problems of experimentation, the rights and wrongs of deception and debriefing, and framing problems (or, the possibility that observed actions is differ according to the type of frame offered to experimental participants).
Day 1: November 23
Ikuo Kabashima & Hiroko Ide (University of Tokyo)
"A fMRI study in Political Science"
Ken'ichi Shimomura (Kobe University)
"Toward an experiment on industrial organizations: A computer simulation and a laboratory experiment"
Hidetoshi Yamaji (Kobe University)
"What is a technique that leads participants to behave initiatively and rationally?"

Kan Takeuchi (California Institute of Technology)
"Institutional Review Board(IRB) in the US"
Day 2: November 24
Kazumi Shimizu (Waseda University)
"Procedure in an experiment in Political Science and Economics: Toward an experiment on social capital"
Naoko Nishimura (Shinshu University)
"An experiment on spite in auctions"
Mizuho Shinada (Hokkaido University)
A psychological game experiment"
Nobuyuki Takahashi (Hokkaido University)
"An experiment of general exchange"
Day 3: November 25
Takayuki Sakagami (Keio University)
"Measurement of value by experimental psychological methods, focusing on Behavioral Analysis"

Wrap-up meeting
Tatsuyoshi Saijo (Osaka University)