Speaker: Dr. Taiki Takahashi (Tokyo University,
21st COE Program "Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences" Research Fellow (PD) )
Title: Neuroeconomics of time-discounting and decision under risk
Date: December 20, 2007 (Thursday) 10:00~12:00
Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W408
Participants: Toshio Yamagishi, Tatsuya Kameda, Masaki Yuki, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Susumu Ohnuma, Yoichi Hizen, Masanori Takezawa, Tomoaki Takeda, Others (24 participants): Total 32 participants
Content: Dr. Taiki Takahashi is a post doctoral fellow of 21st COE Program "Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences" at Tokyo University and has a strong interest in neuroscience, behavioral science, and neuroeconomics. At the GCOE Workshop, he first talked about recent trends in the field of economics. While revised theories of consistency in time preference and ones of expected utility have been proposed in recent economics, little experimental and behavioral research has yet explored those theories including the rational addiction theory. He also talked about recent neurobiological research on revised theories of inconsistency in time preference, of hyperbolic discounting, and of expected utility and discussed those evolutionary bases.
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