Note: This workshop was jointly held with Scientific Research on Priority Areas "Experimental Social Sciences" and Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Hokkaido University.
Date: March 29, 2009
(Sunday) 14:30-19:00, March 30, 2009 (Monday) 9:30-16:30
Location: Enyuu Gakusha, Hokkaido University
Speakers: William Brown (Brunel University), Jan Verplaetse, Sven Vanneste (Ghent University), Ryo Oda (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Madeleine Page (University of Delaware), Toshio Yamagishi, Toko Kiyonari, Mizuho Shinada, Joanna Schug (Hokkaido University)
Participants: Hackjin Kim, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Keiko Ishii, Others (21 participants): Total 24 participants
The goal of this workshop is to facilitate exchange of ideas, research findings, and methodologies among researchers who are working on cheater/cooperator detection—if and how people can successfully predict others’ behavior in interdependent situations.
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