Note: This workshop was jointly held with Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Hokkaido University.
Date: December 8, 2008
(Monday) 16:00-17:30
Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W409
Speakers: Mary C. Brinton (Harvard University)
Title: “Lost in Transition: Youth, Work, and Instability in Postindustrial Japan”
Participants: Toshio Yamagishi, Yoshihide Sakurai, Kazushi Hirasawa, Midori Yamagishi, Keiko Ishii, Others (36 participants): Total 42 participants
Prof. Brinton introduced her book “Lost in Transition”, newly published in Japanese and English. She talked about how Japanese companies changed their hiring practice from full-time to part-time employment after the collapse of the economic bubble, and how the change had an impact on Japanese education (particularly on high school education). Based on the case of Yokohama and Kawasaki city, she showed how young people lost “the place for transition from school to job”.
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