Note: This workshop was jointly held with Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Hokkaido University.
Date: September 22, 2008
(Monday) 9:30-12:30
Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W309
Speakers: Satoshi Fujii (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kaori Ando (Nara Woman's University), Susumu Ohnuma (Hokkaido University), Shoji Ohtomo (Konan Woman's University)
Discussant: Robert Gifford (University of Victoria)
Satoshi Fujii
Objective and subjective effectiveness of proenvironmental behavior
Kaori Ando
Determinants of individual and collective pro-environmental behaviors: Comparing Germany and Japan
Susumu Ohnuma
Social dilemma approach to environmental policy decision
Shoji Ohtomo
Dual-process model of eco-friendly behavior: The roles of intentional and reactive motivation
Robert Gifford
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