Note: This workshop was jointly held with Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences (CRESS).
Speaker: Dr. Sik Hung Ng (City University of Hong Kong, The President of Asian Association of Social Psychology)
Title:The Bicultural Self: A cognitive and social-neuroscience approach
Date: December 6 (Thursday) 10:30-12:30
Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W408
Participants: Toshio Yamagishi, Tatsuya Kameda, Masaki Yuki, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Susumu Ohnuma, Keiko Ishii, Others (15 participants): Total 21 participants
Content: Dr. Sik Hung Ng obtained his PhD from BristolUniversity in England and is the Chair of Social Psychology at the City University of Hong Kong.He is not only the author of some 90 international journal articles covering social psychology (Asian JSP, BJSP, EJSP, JESP, JPSP), but also the President of the Asian Association of Social Psychology now. At the 3rd GCOE International Workshop, he talked about the experiment which combined the Self-reference Effect (SRE) and experimental manipulation of culture to explore the bicultural self of Hong Kong Chinese.In Chinese cultural priming condition, the information that previously referenced Mother or a Non-identified Person (NIP) is remembered equally well as Self-referencing information, suggesting that the self is socially connected with others.In Western cultural primingcondition, by contrast, worsens the memory of Mother- and NIP-referencing information, suggesting that the bicultural self has become socially differentiated from others.Those results were confirmed by fMRI.
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