Professor | Social psychology
With a strong “backbone” framework rooted in a “macro-micro” social psychology, and taking an adaptation theoretical approach, I conduct research into the interaction between the individual and society.

YUKI, Masaki
Professor | Social psychology, cultural psychology
Using a socioecological approach, my research focuses on how characteristics of society impact the human behavior and psychology.
OHNUMA, Susumu
Professor | Environmental social psychology
I take a social psychological approach towards consensus making and public acceptance, focusing on issues which require public decision making involving entire societies. I mainly deal with social dilemmas, procedural justice, risk governance, and trust.
TAKEZAWA, Masanori
Professor | Social psychology, cultural evolution
In the last decade, researchers in different disciplines have been trying to synthesize social sciences under a Darwinian evolutionary framework. This newly emerging field is best called evolutionary social science. I have been working closely in close relation with this movement both theoretically and empirically.
Associate professor | Behavioral neuroeconomics, quantum decision theory
My aims are to elucidate the molecular and neural mechanisms underlying decision making (e.g., decisions under uncertainty, inter-temporal choice, and social decision making), using theoretical and experimental techniques from scientific disciplines such as neurobiology, psychophysics, and quantum information theory.
Associate Professor | Comparative developmental cognitive science
The core theme of my research rests on exploring the evolutionary and developmental process of the nonhuman social animals’ cooperative mind and its psychological basis, using the perspective of comparative cognitive (developmental) science.
Assistant Professor | Applied statistics
My focus is on developing tools and analytical strategies for extracting meaning and insight from complex experimental and survey data.