Journal Articles (International Journals, 2018)

Ageta-Ishihara, N., Konno, K., Yamazaki, M., Abe, M., Sakimura, K., Watanabe, M., & Kinoshita, M. (2018). CDC42EP4, a perisynaptic scaffold protein in Bergmann glia, is required for glutamatergic tripartite synapse configuration. Neurochemistry international. 119. 190-198.

Cai, C., Ogawa, K., Kochiyama, T., Tanaka, H., & Imamizu, H. (2018). Temporal recalibration of motor and visual potentials in lag adaptation in voluntary movement. NeuroImage. 172. 654-662.

Dickie, A. C., Bell, A. M., Iwagaki, N., Polgár, E., Gutierrez-Mecinas, M., Kelly, R., Lyon, H., Turnbull, K., West, S. J. , Etlin, A., Braz, J., Watanabe, M., Bennett, D. L. H., Basbaum, A. I., Riddell, J. S., & Todd, A. J. (2018). Morphological and functional properties distinguish the substance P and gastrin-releasing peptide subsets of excitatory interneuron in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Pain160 (2), 442-462.

Horinouchi, T., Sakurai, K., Kurita, T., Takeda, Y., Yoshida, Y., Akiyama, H., Fukushima, K, & Kusumi, I. (2018). Seizure manifesting as a reaching/grasping movement in a patient with post-traumatic epilepsy. Clinical Case Reports6 (12), 2271-2275.

Horita, Y., & Takezawa, M. (2018). Cultural Differences in Strength of Conformity Explained Through Pathogen Stress: A Statistical Test Using Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation. Frontiers in psychology.  9, 1921, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01921.

Huang, J., Polgár, E., Solinski, H. J., Mishra, S. K., Tseng, P. Y., Iwagaki, N., Boyle, K. A., Dickie, A. C., Kriegbaum, M. C., Wildner, H., Zeilhofer, H. U., Watanabe, M., Riddell, J. S., Todd, A. J., & Hoon, M. A. (2018). Circuit dissection of the role of somatostatin in itch and pain. Nature neuroscience. 21 (5), 707-716.

Inaba, M., & Takahashi, N. (2019). Linkage Based on the Kandori Norm Successfully Sustains Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. Games. 10 (1), doi:10.3390/g10010010.

Inukai, T., & Kawahara, J. (2018). Sex differences in temporal but not spatial attentional capture. Frontiers in Psychology-Cognition. 9 (1893), doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01893.

Itabashi, T., Arima, Y., Kamimura, D., Higuchi, K., Bando, Y., Takahashi-Iwanaga, H., Murakami, M., Watanabe, M., Iwanaga, T., & Nio-Kobayashi, J. (2018). Cell- and stage-specific localization of galectin-3, a β-galactoside-binding lectin, in a mouse model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Neurochemistry international. 118, 176-184.

Ito, M., Matsuzaki, N., & Kawahara, J. (2018). Measurement of mood states following light alcohol consumption: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test. Behavioral Sciences. 8 (9), doi:10.3390/bs8090079.

Kano, M., Twatanabe, T., Uesaka, N., Watanabe, M. (2018).  Multiple phases of climbing fiber synapse elimination in the developing cerebellum. Cerebellum. 17,  722-734.

Kaplan, E., Zubedat, S., Radzishevsky, I., Valenta, A. C., Rechnitz, O., Sason, H., Sajrawi. C., Bodner, O., Konno, K., Esaki, K., Derdikman, D., Yoshikawa, T., Watanabe, M., Kennedy, R. T., Billard, J. M., Avital, A, & Wolosker, H. (2018). ASCT1 (Slc1a4) transporter is a physiologic regulator of brain d-serine and neurodevelopment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115 (38), 9628-9633.

Kikuchihara, S., Sugio, S., Tanaka, K. F., Watanabe, T., Kano, M., Yamazaki, Y., Watanabe, M., & Ikenaka, K. (2018). Ectopic positioning of Bergmann glia and impaired cerebellar wiring in Mlc1-over-expressing mice. Journal of Eurochemistry. 147 (3),  344-360.

Kim, S. J., & Takahashi, T. (2018). Performance in Multi-Armed Bandit Tasks in Relation to Ambiguity-Preference Within a Learning Algorithm. Frontiers in Public Health. 4 (27), doi:10.3389/fams.2018.00027.

Krockow, E. M., Takezawa, M., Pulford, B. D., Colman, A. M., Smithers, S., Kita, T., & Nakawake, Y. (2018). Commitment-enhancing tools in Centipede games: Evidencing European?Japanese differences in trust and cooperation. Judgment and Decision Making. 13 (1), 61-72.

Kunimatsu, J., Suzuki, T. W., Ohmae, S., & Tanaka, M. (2018). Different contributions of preparatory activity in the basal ganglia and cerebellum for self-timing.. eLife, 7,  e35676.

Kushima, I., Aleksic, B.,Nakatochi, M., Shimamura, T., Okada, T., Uno, Y., Morikawa, M., Ishizuka, K., Shiino, T., Kimura, H., Arioka, Y., Yoshimi, A., Takasaki, Y., Yu, Y., Nakamura, Y., Yamamoto, M., Iidaka, T., Iritani, S., Inada, T., Ogawa, N., Shishido, E., Torii, Y., Kawano, N., Omura, Y., Yoshikawa, T., Uchiyama, T., Yamamoto, T., Ikeda, M., Hashimoto, R., Yamamori, H., Yasuda, Y., Someya, T., Watanabe, Y., Egawa, J., Nunokawa, A., Itokawa, M., Arai, M., Miyashita, M., Kobori, A., Suzuki, M., Takahashi, T., Usami, M., Kodaira, M., Watanabe, K., Sasaki, T., Kuwabara, H., Tochigi, M., Nishimura, F., Yamasue, H., Eriguchi, Y., Benner, S., Kojima, M., Yassin, W., Munesue, T., Yokoyama, S., Kimura, R., Funabiki, Y., Kosaka, H., Ishitobi, M., Ohmori, T., Numata, S., Yoshikawa, T., Toyota, T., Yamakawa, K., Suzuki, T., Inoue, Y., Nakaoka, K., Goto, Y. I., Inagaki, M., Hashimoto, N., Kusumi, I., Son, S., Murai, T., Ikegame, T., Okada, N., Kasai, K., Kunimoto, S., Mori, D., Iwata, N., & Ozaki    . (2018). Comparative Analyses of Copy-Number Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia Reveal Etiological Overlap and Biological Insights. Cell Reports. 24 (11), 2838-2856.

Kusumi, I., Arai, Y., Okubo, R., Honda, M., Matsuda, Y., Matsuda, Y., Tochigi., A., Takekita, Y., Yamanaka, H., Uemura, K., Ito, K., Tsuchiya, K., Yamada, Y., Yoshimura, B., Mitsui, N., Matsubara, S., Segawa, Y.,  Nishi, N., Sugawara, Y., Kako, Y., Shinkawa, I., Shinohara, K., Konishi, A., Iga, J., Hashimoto, N., Inomata, S., Tsukamoto, N., Ito, H., Ito, Y. M., & Sato, N. (2018). Predictive factors for hyperglycaemic progression in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. BSJPsych Open, 4,  454-460.

Luján, R., Aguado, C., Ciruela, F., Arus, X. M., Martín-Belmonte, A., Alfaro-Ruiz, R., Martínez-Gómez, J., de la Ossa L., Watanabe, M., Adelman, J. P., Shigemoto, R., & Fukazawa, Y. (2018). SK2 Channels Associate With mGlu1α Receptors and CaV2.1 Channels in Purkinje Cells. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience. 12, 311.

Mao, W., Salzberg, A. C., Uchigashima, M., Hasegawa, Y., Hock, H., Watanabe, M., Akbarian, S., Kawasawa, Y. I., & Futai, K. (2018). Activity-Induced Regulation of Synaptic Strength through the Chromatin Reader L3mbtl1. Cell reports, 23 (11), 3209-3222.

Matsuo, M. (2018). Effects of team unlearning on employee creativity: The mediating effect of individual reflection. Journal of Workplace learning. 30 (7), 531-544.

Matsuo, M. (2018). Effect of learning goal orientation on work engagement through job crafting: A moderated mediation approach. Personnel Review. 48 (1), 220-233.

Matsuo, M. (2018). How does managerial coaching affect individual learning? The mediating roles of team and individual reflexivity. Personnel Review. 47 (1),  118-132.

Matsuo, M. (2018). Goal orientation, critical reflection, and unlearning: An individual-level study. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 29 , 49-66.

Matsuo, M., Minami, C., & Matsuyama, T. (2018). Social influence on innovation resistance in internet banking services. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 45,  42-51.

Morató, X., Luján, R., Gonçalves, N., Watanabe, M., Altafaj, X., Carvalho, A. L., Fernández-Dueñas, V., Cunha, R. A., & Ciruela, F. (2018). Metabotropic glutamate type 5 receptor requires contactin-associated protein 1 to control memory formation. Human molecular genetics. 27 (20), 3528-3541.

Munos Torrecillas, M. J., Rmbaud, S. C., & Takahashi, T. (2018). Self-Control in Intertemporal Choice and Mediterranean Dietary Pattern. Frontiers in Public Health, 6 (176), doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00176.

Nakamura, K., Takimoto-Inose, A., & Hasegawa, T. (2018). Cross-modal perception of human emotion in domestic horses (Equus caballus). Scientific Reports. 8, 8660.

Nonomura, S., Nishizawa, K., Sakai, Y., Kawaguchi, Y., Kato, S., Uchigashima, M., Watanabe, M., Yamanaka, K., Enomoto, K., Chiken, S., Sano, H., Soma, S., Yoshida, J., Samejima, K., Ogawa, M., Kobayashi, K., Nambu, A., Isomura, Y., & Kimura, M. (2018). Monitoring and Updating of Action Selection for Goal-Directed Behavior through the Striatal Direct and Indirect Pathways. Neuron99 (6), 1302-1314.

Notartomaso, S., Nakao, H., Mascio, G., Scarselli, P., Cannella, M., Zappulla, C., Madonna, M., Motolese, M., Gradini, R., Liberatore, F., Zonta, M., Carmignoto, G., Battaglia, G., Bruno, V., Watanabe, M., Aiba, A., & Nicoletti, F. (2018). Glu1 Receptors Monopolize the Synaptic Control of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells by Epigenetically Down-Regulating mGlu5 Receptors.. Scientific reports. 8, (1), 13361.

Okubo, R., Koga, M., Katsumata, N., Odamaki, T., Matsuyama, S., Oka, M., Narita, H., Hashimoto, N., Kusumi, I., Xiao, J., & Matsuoka, Y. J. (2018). Effect of bifidobacterium breve A-1 on anxiety and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia: A proof-of-concept study. Journal of  Affective Disorders, 377-385.

Péterfi, Z., Farkas, I., Denis, R. G. P., Farkas, E., Uchigashima, M., Füzesi, T., Watanabe, M., Lechan, R. M., Liposits, Z., Luquet, S., & Fekete, C. (2018). Endocannabinoid and nitric oxide systems of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus mediate effects of NPY on energy expenditure. Molecular metabolism . 18, 120-133.

Qi, I., & Wada, H. (in press). Effects of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-210) on ultrasonic communication during fighting of male adult rats. Organohalogen Compounds. 80.

Reinbold, C. S., Forstner, A. J., Hecker, J., Fullerton, J. M., Hoffmann, P., Hou, L., Heilbronner, U., Degenhardt, F., Adli, M., Akiyama, K., Akula, N., Ardau, R., Arias, B., Backlund, L., Benabarre, A., Bengesser, S., Bhattacharjee, A. K., Biernacka, J. M., Birner, A., Marie-Claire, C., Cervantes, P., Chen, G. B., Chen, H. C., Chillotti, C., Clark, S. R., Colom, F., Cousins, D. A., Cruceanu, C., Czerski, P. M., Dayer, A., Étain, B., Falkai, P., Frisén, L., Gard, S., Garnham, J. S., Goes, F. S., Grof, P., Gruber, O., Hashimoto, R., Hauser, J., Herms, S., Jamain, S., Jiménez, E., Kahn, J. P., Kassem, L., Kittel-Schneider, S., Kliwicki, S., König, B., Kusumi, I., Lackner, N., Laje, G., Landén, M., Lavebratt, C., Leboyer, M., Leckband, S. G., López Jaramillo, C. A., MacQueen, G., Manchia, M., Martinsson, L., Mattheisen, M., McCarthy, M. J., McElroy, S. L., Mitjans, M., Mondimore, F. M., Monteleone, P., Nievergelt, C. M., Ösby, U., Ozaki, N., Perlis, R. H., Pfennig, A., Reich-Erkelenz, D., Rouleau, G. A., Schofield, P. R., Schubert, K. O., Schweizer, B. W., Seemüller, F., Severino, G., Shekhtman, T., Shilling, P. D., Shimoda, K., Simhandl, C., Slaney, C. M., Smoller, J. W., Squassina, A., Stamm, T. J., Stopkova, P., Tighe, S. K., Tortorella, A., Turecki, G., Volkert, J., Witt, S. H., Wright, A. J., Young, L. T., Zandi, P. P., Potash, J. B., DePaulo, J. R., Bauer, M., Reininghaus, E., Novák, T., Aubry, J. M., Maj, M., Baune, B. T., Mitchell, P. B., Vieta, E., Frye, M. A., Rybakowski, J. K., Kuo, P. H., Kato, T., Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M., Reif, A., Del Zompo, M., Bellivier, F., Schalling, M., Wray, N. R., Kelsoe, J. R., Alda, M., McMahon, F. J., Schulze, T. G., Rietschel, M., Nöthen, M. M., & Cichon, S. (2018). Analysis of the Influence of microRNAs in Lithium Response in Bipolar Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 9 (207), doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00207.

Shahrier, M. A., & Wada, H. (2018). Effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on acoustic characteristics of ultrasonic vocalizations in rat pups. Neurotoxicology, 69, 29-36.

Shibata, H., & Ogawa, K. (2018). Dorsal premotor cortex is related to recognition of verbal and visual descriptions of actions in the first-person perspective. Neuroscience letters. 687, 71- 76.

Shiotani, H., Miyata, M., Itoh, Y., Wang, S., Kaito, A., Mizoguchi, A., Yamasaki, M., Watanabe, M., Mandai, K., Mochizuki, H., & Takai, Y. (2018). Localization of nectin-2α at the boundary between the adjacent somata of the clustered cholinergic neurons and its regulatory role in the subcellular localization of the voltage-gated A-type K+ channel Kv4.2 in the medial habenula. The Journal of comparative neurology526    9 , 1527-1549.

Suzuki, T.W., & Tanaka, M. (2019). Neural oscillations in the primate caudate nucleus correlate with different preparatory states for temporal production. Communications Biology, 2, doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0345-2.

Takács, S., Bardóczi, Z., Skrapits, K., Göcz, B., Váczi, V., Maglóczky, Z., Szűcs, I., Rácz, G., Matolcsy, A., Dhillo, W. S., Watanabe, M., Kádár, A., Fekete, C., Kalló, I., & Hrabovszky, E. (2018). Post mortem single-cell labeling with DiI and immunoelectron microscopy unveil the fine structure of kisspeptin neurons in humans. Brain structure & function. 223 (5), 2143-2156.

Takeya, R., Patel, A. D., & Tanaka, M. (2018). Temporal Generalization of Synchronized Saccades Beyond the Trained Range in Monkeys. Frontiers in Psychology. 9 (2172), doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02172.

Thomson, R., Yuki, M., Talhelm, T., Schug, J., Kito, M., Ayanian, A. H., Becker, J. C., Becker, M., Chiu, C., Choi, H., Ferreira, C. M., Fülöp, M., Gul, P., Houghton-Illera, A. M., Joasoo, M., Jong, J., Kavanagh, C. M., Khutkyy, D., Manzi, C., Marcinkowska, U. M., Milfont, T. L., Neto, F., Von Oertzen, T., Pliskin, R., Martin, A. S., Singh, P., & Visserman, M. L.  (2018). Relational mobility predicts social behaviors in 39 countries and is tied to historical farming and threat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (29), 7521-7526.

Wada, H., & Qi, I. (in press). Effects of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) on ultrasonic communication in mating behavior of rats. Organohalogen Compounds. 80.

Yaguchi, H., Yabe, I., Takahashi, H., Watanabe, M., Nomura, T., Kano, T., Watanabe, M., Hatakeyama, S. (2018). Anti-Sez6l2 antibody detected in a patient with immune-mediated cerebellar ataxia inhibits complex formation of GluR1 and Sez6l2. Journal of Neurology. 265 (4), 962-965.

Yamagata, A., Goto-Ito, S., Sato, Y., Shiroshima, T., Maeda, A., Watanabe, M., Saitoh, T., Maenaka, K., Terada, T., Yoshida, T., Uemura, T., & Fukai, S. (2018). Structural insights into modulation and selectivity of transsynaptic neurexin-LRRTM interaction. Nature Communications. 9 (1), 3964.

Yamauchi, K., & Kawahara, J. (2018). A singleton distractor updates the inhibitory template for visual marking. Acta Psychologica. 192, 200-211.

Zhang, M. D., Su, J., Adori, C., Cinquina, V., Malenczyk, K., Girach, F., Peng, C., Ernfors, P., Löw, P., Borgius, L., Kiehn, O., Watanabe, M., Uhlén, M., Mitsios, N., Mulder, J., Harkany, T., & Hökfelt, T. (2018). Ca2+-binding protein NECAB2 facilitates inflammatory pain hypersensitivity. The Journal of clinical investigation. 128 (9). 3757-3768.

Zhou, L., Hossain, M. I., Yamazaki, M., Abe, M., Natsume, R., Konno, K., Kageyama, S., Komatsu, M., Watanabe, M., Sakimura, K., & Takebayashi, H. (2018). Deletion of exons encoding carboxypeptidase domain of Nna1 results in Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) phenotype. Journal of neurochemistry. 147, 557-572.