2. Blog


Making of Humanities: Biological Roots of Mathematics and Cooperation -A joint workshop of Social Psychology and Neuroethology

Tentative time table: 9:30am – 11:30am (session 1), 1:00pm – 3:00pm (session 2)Venue: Hokkaido University (Sapporo Campus); Exact place will be announced in due time.Organizers: Toshiya Matsushima (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science) and Tatsuya Kameda (Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Faculty of Letters) in Hokkaido University Perspectives:     This workshop aims at integrative bio-psychological approaches toward understanding of human beings in terms of their “sunny sides” of intelligence. Particular attentions will be focused...

What makes people cooperate in commons management?

Date & Time: May 29, 2014 (Thu) 10:00-12:00  Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E304 Speakers: Mr. Yosuke Kira (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Title: What makes people cooperate in commons management? Asuka Murata, Assistant Professor of Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciencese-mail: asukamurata@lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp, tel: 011-706-230

Multi-attributed utility models as search engines

Note: This workshop was jointly held with the Social and Ecological Foundations of the Mind, Hokkaido University. Date: March 26, 2014 (Thu) 11:00-13:00 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Masanori Takezawa, and other 15 participants Speaker: Mr. Pantelis Pipergias Analytis (Max Planck Institute) Title:Multi-attributed utility models as search engines Asuka Murata, Assistant Professor of Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciencese-mail: asukamurata@lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp, tel: 011-706-230

CERSS Joint Workshop

Date & Time: March 7, 2014 (Thu) 10:00-12:00 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Speakers: Prof. Tetsuko Kasai (Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University) Title: Spatial integration and attention on object perception

第3回SEFM RA企画 院生共同報告会「公的領域でのネットワーク形成の意義」

※本ワークショップは、北海道大学社会科学実験研究センターとの共催で行われました。 日時:2014年3月5日(水)13:00-15:00 場所:人文社会科学総合教育研究棟W308 発表者:保田真希(教育学院 教育福祉論研究グループ DC2)、遠山景広(文学研究科 社会システム科学専修 DC2) 参加者:大沼進、村田明日香、他11名(計13名) 概要 今回は、教育学院の院生と文学研究科の共同報告会を実施しました。他研究科の成果を報告していただき、学内での他研究科での研究状況・結果を理解すると共に、内容の共有・検討を行うことにより、個々の研究を深化していく可能性を探ることを意図した企画です。教育学院からは嗜癖問題からの回復過程について、文学研究科からは子育てにおける公的支援について、それぞれの現場での調査から報告しました。ディスカッションパートでは、教育学院・文学研究科の研究報告を行った上で、研究の共有により見出された社会的ネットワークの持つ役割について活発な議論が繰り広げられました。

The 6th Workshop

*This workshop was jointly held with the Center for the Education and Study od Social and Ecological Foundation of Mind.. Date: 14th, Feb, 2013 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Tatsuya Kameda, Masaki Yuki, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Taiki Takahashi, Masanori Takezawa, and other 16 participants (total 21 participants) Speakers: Mr. Toshiyuki Himichi (Department of Cognitive Psychology in Education, Kyoto University) Title: Empathy facilitates helping behavior: Interrelationship between behavior, brain and genes. Contents:Previous...

The 1st SEFM RA Project: Poster Presentations by Graduate Students

Note: This workshop was jointly held with the Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Hokkaido University. Date & Time : 2013. 12. 5 (Thu) 1-3pm Location: Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters/Faculty of Letters, room E204 Speaker: Dr. Aya Murayama (Kwansei Gakuin University) Participants: Masaki Yuki, Susumu Ohnuma, Masanori Takezawa, Nobuyuki takahasi, and 15 participants (total 19 participants)

The 1st SEFM RA Project: Poster Presentations by Graduate Students

Note: This workshop was jointly held with the Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Hokkaido University. Date & Time : 2013. 12. 10 (Tue) 10am-1pm Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W201, W202 Presenters: 47 Graduate Students in Human Sciences Participants: Masaki Yuki, Susumu Ohnuma, Taisuke Miyauchi, Yuichi Hashimoto, Isamu Kaneko, and 48 participants (total 53 participants) This poster presentation workshop, planned by research assistants who excel in their respective...

The 8th SEFM Young Researcher’s Speaker Series

Note: This workshop was jointly held with the Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Hokkaido University. Date & Time : 2013. 11. 21 (Thu) 1pm- Location: Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters/Faculty of Letters, room E204 Speaker: Mr. Michael Muthukrishna (University of British Columbia) Title: Sociality Influences Cultural Complexity Abstract: Archaeological and ethnohistorical evidence suggests a link between a population’s size and structure, and the diversity or sophistication of its toolkits or technologies....