2. Blog


Evolutionary Game Theoretical Rationality, Relative Deprivation, Social Intelligence, and Inequality of Transaction-Role Opportunity – Reconsidering Yamagishi’s Theory through the Thought Experiments of the Ultimatum Game.

Date & Time: 2022. 10. 3 (Mon) 10:30-12:00Location: Room W409Zoom: Title: Evolutionary Game Theoretical Rationality, Relative Deprivation, Social Intelligence, and Inequality of Transaction-Role Opportunity – Reconsidering Yamagishi’s Theory through the Thought Experiments of the Ultimatum Game. Speaker: Kazuo Yamaguchi (Division of the Social Sciences, the Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology) PowerPoint file is here (in Japanese).  Participants: 105 (online: 84) Nobuyuki Takahashi (Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences)e-mail: ntakahas*let.hokudai.ac.jp (please replace * with @)


Date & Time: 2022. 8. 25 (Thu) 10:00-11:00 Location: Online (Zoom Metting)https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89900798863?pwd=ZXhIRStRNVd5NmhaWGJQY3VLaHdzUT09Meeting ID: 899 0079 8863Passcode: DC0MXR Speaker: TAKASHINO Nina (Ritsumeikan University, College of Poicy Scieces, Associate Prof. ) Title: 途上国農村研究におけるフィールド実験の課題―国内農村研究への応用に向けて― Participants: 9 Susumu Ohnuma, Director, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciencese-mail: ohnuma@lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp

Disentangling material, social, and cognitive determinants of human behavior and beliefs

NOTICEUnfortunately, the colloquium was canceled. Date & Time: 2022. 8. 22 (Mon) 13:00-14:30 Location: Onsite & Online Hybrid MeetingHokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Scieces, room E304Zoom Metting (Please send an email to m.takezawa@let.hokudai.ac.jp with the title “CERSS Colloquium Participation Request” and we will send you back the Zoom URL.) Speaker: Sergey Gavrilets (Distinguished Professor,Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department of Mathematics Director, Center for the Dynamics of Social Complexity (DySoC) University...

What is gaming? ― A study based on education and research on energy systems ―

Symposium on Collective Intelligence(Co-Host: Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences) Date & Time: 2022.07.28 13:00-14:30Location: Onsite & Online Hybrid MeetingHokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Scieces, room E304Zoom Mettinghttps://zoom.us/j/94606599533?pwd=TXpqQm94cmtIYm9Ea203dXR3UkJ2UT09Speaker: SUZUKI Kengo  (University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Assistant Prof. )Title: What is gaming? ― A study based on education and research on energy systems ― The presenter has been exploring the meaning to model this world as games and the...

CERSS Colloquium on Cultural Psychology

Date: 2022.7.7 (Thu) 15:30~18:00Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Room E304. (Hybrid meeting with Zoom) Speaker 1: Sawa Senzaki, Ph.D. (Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Greenbay)Title: Focus! Caregiver-child interaction and socio-cognitive development in Japan and the U.S. Speaker 2: Takahiko Masuda, Ph.D. (Department of Psychology, University of Alberta)Title: Advances in Research on Emotion Perception: Towards a “Globalization” of Cultural Psychology.  Susumu Ohnuma, Director, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciencese-mail:...

生成変化の場としてのフィールドワーク ―カナダ・ユーコン準州における先住民コミュニティと北海道での狩猟実践を通して

Date & Time: 2022. 2. 10 (Thu) 14:45-16:15 Location: Online (Zoom Meeting) Speaker: YAMAGUCHI Mikako (Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Associate Prof. ) Title: Fieldwork as a place of becoming Participants: 24 Susumu Ohnuma, Director, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciencese-mail: ohnuma[at]lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp (please replace [at] with ‘@’.)

Evolution of individual variation – division of labour and personality at social interactions.

Date & Time: 2021. 7. 29  (Thu) 14:45~16:15Location: Online Meeting (Zoom)Speaker: ITO Koichi (Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University) Title: Evolution of individual variation – division of labour and personality at social interactions. Participants: 17 Susumu Ohnuma, Director, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciencese-mail: ohnuma[at]lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)

Psychology of group in the consensus process

4th Symposium on Collective Intelligence(Co-Host: Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences) Date & Time: 2021.06.28 13:00-14:30Location: Online Meeting (Zoom)Speaker: ARIMA Yoshiko (Kyoto University of Advanced Science) Title: Psychology of group in the consensus process. Participants: 9 Susumu Ohnuma, Director, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciencese-mail: ohnuma@lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp

Crafting International Apologies that Work: A Conjoint Analysis Approach

Date & Time: 2021. 6. 10 (Thu)  14:45 – 16:15Location: Online Meeting (Zoom)Speaker: KOHAMA Shoko (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law) Participants: 25 Title: Crafting International Apologies that Work: A Conjoint Analysis Approach. Abstract:What can political leaders do to appease a foreign public’s anger and resentment when their country, intentionally or accidentally, caused harm to another country? Scholars have found that apologies by political leaders, if carefully crafted, can promote reconciliation between the perpetrator’s country and...