2. Blog


Attribution of Liability for Misappropriation of Tangible and Intangible

Note: This workshop was jointly held with the Study Group of Intellectual Property Law, Hokkaido University. Date: Oct 3, 2012 (Wed) 10:30-12:00 Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W409 Participants: Yoshiyuki Tamura, Tatsuya Kameda, Masaki Yuki, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Taiki Takahashi, , Seungkyoon Kye, Kosuke Sato and others (total participants 38) Title: Attribution of Liability for Misappropriation of Tangible and IntangibleThings in Japan: To Change the Law or to Change the Minds Speaker:...

The 4th Workshop

Date:25th, Sep, 2012 Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W202 Participants: Tatsuya Kameda, Susumu Ohnuma, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Taiki Takahashi, Taisuke Miyauchi, and other 8 participants (total 13 participants) Speakers: Dr Wouter Poortinga (Welsh School of Architecture & School of Psychology, Cardiff University) Title: Public Perceptions of Climate Change and Energy Futures Contents:The main challenge of current energy policy is to mitigate climate change alongside delivering reliable and secure energy supplies....

The 5th CERSS Young Speaker Series

*This workshop was jointly held with Center for the Sociality of Mind. Speaker: Dr. Masanori Takezawa (Sophia University) Date: July 28th, 2011, 13:30-15:30 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Tatsuya Kameda, Susumu Ohnuma, Masaki Yuki, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Joanna Schug, Satomi Higuchi, and others (total 21 participants) Title: Evolutionary Studies on Cooperation: New Intersections between Theory and Evidences Abstract:Numerous theoretical models that attempt to explain the evolution of cooperative behavior in large groups have...

The 3rd Workshop

*The workshop was jointly held by CSM (Global COE Program “Center for the Sociality of Mind”, Hokkaido University) and ExpSS21. Date:26th, Aug, 2011 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Toshio Yamagishi, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Susumu Ohnuma, Li Yang, Seth Frey, and others (total fifteen participants) Speakers: Dr. Fei Song (The Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University), Dr. Bram Cadsby(Department of Economics, University of Guelph, Canada) Title: How Competitive are Professional Women? A Tale of Identity...

The 4th CERSS Young Speaker Series

*This workshop was jointly held with Center for the Sociality of Mind. Speaker: Dr. Shinji Yamagata (Keio Advanced Research Center) Date: July 21th, 2011 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Tatsuya Kameda, Toshio Yamagishi, Taiki Takahashi, Masaki Yuki, Susumu Ohnuma, Nobuyuki Takahashi, and others (total twenty-six participants) Title: Behavioral Genetics Today: Theory, Knowledge, and Its Social Scientific Evolvement Abstract:Behavioral genetics is a powerful scientific method that not only allows for evaluating the effects...

The 3rd CERSS Young Speaker Series

*This workshop was jointly held with Center for the Sociality of Mind. Speaker: Dr. Tasuku Igarashi (Hokkai Gakuen University) Date: July 14th, 2011, 10:00-12:00 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Tatsuya Kameda, Toshio Yamagishi, Susumu Ohnuma, Masaki Yuki, Taiki Takahashi, Nobuyuki Takahashi, and other twenty-five participants (total thirty-one participants) Title: Examination of Social Network Dynamics Based on Actor-Oriented Network Model Abstract:Dr. Igarashi, an expert on social ties that connect people, reported on the...

The 2nd CERSS Young Speaker Series

*This workshop was jointly held with Center for the Sociality of Mind. Speaker: Dr. Kai Hiraishi (Kyoto University, Kokoro Research Center) Date: July 13th, 2011, 15:00-17:00 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Tatsuya Kameda, Toshio Yamagishi, Susumu Ohnuma, Masaki Yuki, Taiki Takahashi, Nobuyuki Takahashi, and other twenty-five participants (total thirty-one participants) Title: What Does Behavioral Genetics Say About Evolutionary Adaptiveness? Abstract: The first law of behavior genetics states that “All human behavioral traits are...

The 1st CERSS Young Speaker Series

*This workshop was jointly held with Center for the Sociality of Mind. Speaker: Dr. Kikue Sakaguchi (Tokyo University) Date: June 23th, 2011, 14:00-16:00 Location: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, room E204 Participants: Tatsuya Kameda, Toshio Yamagishi, Masaki Yuki, Susumu Ohnuma, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Taiki Takahashi, and other 24 participants (total 30 participants) Title: Testosterone: does it suppress or enhance communication? Abstract: Androgens (male sex hormones) are known to affect dimensions of cognitive abilities which typically show sex differences....

Workshop on Human Nature and Institutions

*The workshop was jointly held by CERSS, Sage Center for the Study of Mind (UCSB), Center for Evolutionary Psychology (UCSB). Date:2011 April 3rd-5th. Place: Sage Conference Room, Building 551, room 1314, Univeraity of California at Santa Barbara This workshop was hosted by Prof. Cosmides and Prof. Tooby, co-directors of the Center for Evolutionary Psychology. Reserchers from antholopology, psychology, and political science discussed about the functions of social institutions, including non-market social institutions such as...

The 11th Open Workshop

Note: This workshop was jointly held with Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Hokkaido University. Speaker: Prof. Taksu Cheon (Theoretical Physics Kochi University of Technology) Title: Quantum game theory and quantum decision theory Date: June 7, 2011 (Tuesday) 13:45~15:45 Location: Hokkaido University, The Humanities and Social Science Building, room W506 (W504 after 14:30) Participants: Taiki Takahashi, Toshio Yamagishi, Yoichi Hizen, Mizuho Shinada, and others (Total 21 participants) Content: Recent researches examine the violation of sure-thing principle and conjunction fallacy by quantum...