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Invited Lecture

Towards Hyper-Democracy: Construction of the platform for supporting consensus building in the large-scale society by AI agents.

Date & Time: 2023.02.15 (Wed) 13:00-15:00 Location: Onsite & Zoom Hybrid MeetingHokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Scieces, room E304https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86417108218?pwd=UThrejJ1aDVSR0ZyOTZ3M1lMaFNwZz09 Title: Towards Hyper-Democracy: Construction of the platform for supporting consensus building in the large-scale society by AI agents. Speaker: ITO Takayuki  (University of kyoto, Graduate School of Informatics, Department of Social Informatics Professor) Invited lecture:Hokkaido University Data-Driven Research Emergence Department(D-RED)the Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences(co-host) Participants: 45   Susumu Ohnuma, Director, Center...