CERSS Colloquium was held on Feb 19th
CERSS Colloquium was held on Sep 4th
CERSS Colloquium was held on Aug 8th
CERSS Colloquium will be held on June 13th
CERSS Colloquium will be held on March 18th
CERSS Colloquium will be held on February 15th
Yume Souma (master’s course student) won the Oral Presentation Award at the annual conference of the Society for Risk Analysis of Japan in 2023
CERSS Colloquium will be held on November 30th
CERSS Colloquium will be held on October 5th
CERSS Colloquium will be held on July 31st
CERSS Colloquium will be held on August 8th
CERSS Colloquium will be held on February 16th
As part of the events commemorating the opening of the Hokkaido University Data-Driven Research Emergence Department(D-RED), the Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences will co-host an invited lecture
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Fellows at Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences(CERSS),Hokkaido University
CERSS Colloquium will be held on December 12th
CERSS Colloquium will be held on October 3rd
CERSS Colloquium will be held on August 25th
*CERSS Colloquium on August 22th was canceled
*Unfortunately, the colloquium was canceled
Symposium on Collective Intelligence (Co-Host: CERSS) will be held on on July 28th