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  3. 2022
  4. Evolutionary Game Theoretical Rationality, Relative Deprivation, Social Intelligence, and Inequality of Transaction-Role Opportunity – Reconsidering Yamagishi’s Theory through the Thought Experiments of the Ultimatum Game.



Evolutionary Game Theoretical Rationality, Relative Deprivation, Social Intelligence, and Inequality of Transaction-Role Opportunity – Reconsidering Yamagishi’s Theory through the Thought Experiments of the Ultimatum Game.

Date & Time: 2022. 10. 3 (Mon) 10:30-12:00
Location: Room W409

Title: Evolutionary Game Theoretical Rationality, Relative Deprivation, Social Intelligence, and Inequality of Transaction-Role Opportunity – Reconsidering Yamagishi’s Theory through the Thought Experiments of the Ultimatum Game.

Speaker: Kazuo Yamaguchi (Division of the Social Sciences, the Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology)

PowerPoint file is here (in Japanese). 

Participants: 105 (online: 84)

Nobuyuki Takahashi (Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences)
e-mail: ntakahas*let.hokudai.ac.jp (please replace * with @)