2. お知らせ
  3. Ms. Ami Ishiyama and Ms. Chisato Wada (our 4th-year students) won the Special Prize at the Graduation Thesis Poster Presentations 2020 of the Museum Meister certification course held by the Hokkaido University Museum



Ms. Ami Ishiyama and Ms. Chisato Wada (our 4th-year students) won the Special Prize at the Graduation Thesis Poster Presentations 2020 of the Museum Meister certification course held by the Hokkaido University Museum

Ms. Ami Ishiyama and Ms. Chisato Wada (our 4th-year students) won the Special Prize at the Graduation Thesis Poster Presentations 2020 of the Museum Meister certification course held by the Hokkaido University Museum.

To the introduction article of the poster session (Japanese).


To the presenters’ discussion article (Japanese).

2020年度卒論ポスター発表会 発表者・運営スタッフの事後考察

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