Social Capital: Experimental validation of survey measures using a cross-societal approach
日時: 2025.3.3(Mon) 10:30-11:30
場所: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, room E304
スピーカー: Stein Østbye (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø / Professor)
タイトル: Social Capital: Experimental validation of survey measures using a cross-societal approach
We explore to what extent inexpensive attitudinal survey data can be a substitute for more expensive experimental data as a metric of SC, using a cross-societal design. We use data from two standard subject pools (located in Spain and France) and mix two methodologies: validated attitudinal survey questions from the SC section of the latest wave of the World Values Survey (WVS) and economic games for eliciting SC through decisions and beliefs. Our data can be compared to publicly available data at the national level, suggesting Spain has much higher SC than France. In the lab, the difference is qualitatively in line with the national surveys but too small to be significant. However, the experimental results overwhelmingly support higher SC in France than in Spain. The subjects in our two groups of participants seem to react differently to the same incentives. Although a large majority of subjects act consistently across different games, consistency for France means consistent pro-social play, for Spain consistent economic rational play. At the individual level, besides location, pro-social beliefs and age increase the probability of consistent pro-social behaviour, and cognitive ability the opposite. Gender appears to have no effect. In our experimental laboratory study, answers to standard survey items turn out to be irrelevant as predictors of consistent pro-social behaviour.
Keywords: social capital; cross-societal; lab experiments; survey measures