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  3. 2017
  4. Understanding human cooperation by means of social dilemma experiments.



Understanding human cooperation by means of social dilemma experiments.


場所:北海道大学文学研究科 E304教室

参加者:結城雅樹、竹澤正哲、高橋伸幸、大沼進、高橋泰城、山岸俊男 他11名(計17名)

スピーカー:Marko Jusup 助教(北海道大学電子科学研究所 附属社会創造数学研究センター 実験数理研究分野)

タイトル:Understanding human cooperation by means of social dilemma experiments.

アブストラクト: Broad cooperation among non-relatives is specific to humans, who often work together to achieve what otherwise would be unattainable goals. Human evolution is therefore based on extensive cooperativeness. However, a full understanding of how and why cooperative societies form is an unresolved scientific challenge. Theoretical research has proposed many cooperation-promoting mechanisms (e.g., direct, indirect, and network reciprocity) and factors (e.g., reward, punishment, hierarchy, etc.), but only a handful of these have been empirically tested. To this end, we conducted a series of social dilemma experiments on cooperation in (i) business-like socio-economic interactions, (ii) natural resource management, and (iii) climate change negotiations. In these experiments, we used the famous Prisoner’s Dilemma and Public Goods Game as metaphors for real-life situations in which people decide between personal self interest (selfishness) and common good (altruism). Special attention during the data analysis was given to identifying instances of rational behavior as opposed to cognitive biases that cause deviations from rational expectations. With multiple experimental designs in the pipeline, we believe that the outlook for social dilemma experiments is very promising.