The 1st Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: October 27 (Wednesday), 2004
- Speaker 1: Yoichi Maki (Department of Psychology)
"Self and interpersonal relationship in autobiographical memory"
- Speaker 2: Kosuke Takemura (Department of Behavioral Science)
"Intergroup comparison orientation versus intragroup relationship orientation: Cross-cultural comparisons of two types of collectivism between Japan and the United States"
The 2nd Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: November 24 (Wednesday), 2004
- Speaker 1: Ryo Tamura (Department of Behavioral Science)
"Are facial expressions contagious in the Japanese?"
- Speaker 2: Asuka Murata (Graduate School of Education)
"The error-related negativity is affected by the subjective significance of the error"
The 3rd Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: January 26 (Wednesday), 2005
- Speaker 1: Takayuki Saito (Research Group of Northern Culture Studies)
"The struggle that blacksmiths adopt, in order to survive"
- Speaker 2: Yu Ohmura (Department of Behavioral Science)
"The relationship between smoking behavior and impulsive decision-making"
The 4th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: May 25 (Wednesday), 2005
- Speaker 1: Yuichi Kaji (Department of Psychology)
"The interaction of language and action in memory"
- Speaker 2: Naoto Suzuki (Department of Behavioral Science)
"Social pressure constrains the Japanese attribution style"
The 5th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: June 29 (Wednesday), 2005
- Speaker 1: Kazutaka Hosaka (Graduate School of Education)
"Conflict occurrence and conflict management in preschoolers' play"
- Speaker 2: Rie Mashima (Department of Behavioral Science)
"The function of exchange: Comparison between generalized exchange and restricted exchange"
The 6th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: September 28 (Wednesday), 2005
- Speaker 1: Miki Kimura (Research Group of Northern Culture Studies)
"The rites of passage among the Khanty in West Siberia"
- Speaker 2: Chisato Takahashi (Department of Behavioral Science)
"Sex, attractiveness, and cooperation in social exchange"
The 7th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: November 2 (Wednesday), 2005
- Speaker 1: Yuko Yamazaki (Department of Psychology)
- Speaker 2: Mizuho Shinada (Department of Behavioral Science)
"The effects of a sanction system in social dilemmas."
The 8th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: February 15 (Wednesday), 2006
- Speaker 1: Keiko Yamazaki (Graduate School of Education)
"Processing speed for the mental imagery representation was reflected by the P300 latency"
- Speaker 2: Nobuhiro Mifune (Department of Behavioral Science)
"Ingroup cooperation and social value orientation"
The 9th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: May 31 (Wednesday), 2006
- Speaker 1: Hiroki Horikawa (Department of Behavioral Science)
"On the default assumption of monitoring and sanctioning behind
Japanese collectivism: A view from the social institutional analysis
and error management theory"
- Speaker 1: Hidemi Ono (Department of Behavioral Science)
"Study about adaptive functions of depression"
The 10th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: June 28 (Wednesday), 2006
- Speaker 1: Alta (Research Group of Northern Culture Studies)
"The inter-ethnic relations between minorities and Han in China:
Present situations of research and prospects"
- Speaker 2: Nobuye Ishibashi (Department of Behavioral Science)
"Producer-scrounger Dilemmas and the Anti-conformist Strategy"
The 11th Graduate Student Seminar
- Date: November 29 (Wednesday), 2006
- Speaker 1: Yukio Tsuchida (Graduate School of Education) "Interactions between attention and working memory in auditory oddball task"
- Speaker 2: Keigo Inukai (Department of Behavioral Science) "Generalized Reciprocity Norm as an Adaptive Strategy Among Lower-Working Class Citizens"
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