2019.12.20 Miki Yokoyama (Doctor’s Course Student) and Wakaba Tateishi (Master’s Course Student) got a reseach grant from FOST (foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology).
2019.11.29 Assoc. Prof. SANO Katsuhiko (Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Scieces) gave a talk at CERSS Colloquium.
2019.11.13 Miki Yokoyama (Doctor’s Course Student) won the Best Presentation Award for 83rd Annual Convention of JPA in 2019.
2019.07.18 Profs. Takahiko Masuda (University of Alberta) and Sawa Senzaki (University of Wisconsin, Greenbay) held two classes for Hokkaido Summer Institute 2019 program.
2019.06.19 Miki Yokoyama (Doctor’s Course Student) got a research grant from HAYAO NAKAYAMA Foundation for Science & Technology and Culture.
2019.05.24 A paper of Assoc. Prof. Ayaka Takimoto-Inose and her colleagues was selected in Journal Top 100 of Scientific Reports.
2019.03.25 Our post-doc Asuka Murata, Ph.D. has got an associate professor position at Department of Psychology and Communication, Faculty of Human and Cultural Sciences, Sakushin Gakuin University
2019.03.04 Our post-doc Junko Yamada, Ph.D. has got a Researcher position at the Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University
2018.12.21 Dr. Joseph Pozsgai (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Program-Specific Assistant Prof.) gave a talk at CERSS Colloquium.
2018.12.17 Miki Yokoyama and Shogo Homma (Master’s Course Students) won Young Scholars Award of JSSP in 2018.